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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. T

    September QOTM Voting

    these new rules suck ass. the old way was much better, everyone can put a pic in (not some first come ****) and the mods pick like 4 or 5 quads that deserve to be in. atleast change the 8 people thing
  2. T

    my warrior

    why do you want an 04...not that diff.
  3. T

    Lightened Flywheel

    how are you getting this done? and arnt you going to be losing torque?
  4. T

    "elite" quad right here (i hope)

    looks good man, its a start
  5. T

    What should i get next?

    you payed 32 bucks for shipping WHY
  6. T


    2.85 to 2.99 for regular here in NC........******* retarted
  7. T


    exactly ^^^ lol
  8. T


    nig rims dont go on a quad. bottom line
  9. T

    Warrior/ Raptor correlation?

    well the tires on the raptor are 20's (smaller) the head light bracket isnt big and metal, the front bumper is plastic and some other little stuff. that adds to be 22 pounds lighter i think
  10. T


    yea im with sexy on this one
  11. T

    handle bars

    save your money and get TAG bars.
  12. T

    Warrior troubles

    idk sounds like there crap in your carb or something...? check the carb (main jet) and make shure there is no crap blocking the jet.
  13. T

    Nerf Bars!!

    Nerf bars rarely line up right on anything. Best bet is to just work with em, get them to were they will loosely fit (get all the bolts in) then tighten them down and it will bend them right into place. What i did atleast.
  14. T

    quick clips** UPDATED... AGAIN**

    haha "cut the ****** thing" but yea how the **** did u fall off. lmao
  15. T


    well ill be nice. NEGROS that should be enough said
  16. T


    yea that kinda hurt lol, my grab bar now is bent up a bit.
  17. T

    Newbie here!

    welcom to yfm man, gets some pics of it when u get it
  18. T

    Edelbrock Throttle housing/stopper WOT mod.

    nice, ill be using this when ever mine gets here....
  19. T

    quick clips** UPDATED... AGAIN**

    well is hard to see cause its dark , but seems cool. at least you got a camera man ::) lol
  20. T


    yea damn thing stalled lol