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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. S

    lower a-frame ball joint

    Today while riding the lower balljoint popped out of the socket. I have a manual but cant find anything about repairing it. Can I just pop it back in? Looked on E-bay and saw some for like $100.00 But I can not figure out how to get them out of the A-frame. Do I need a special too to remove...
  2. S

    Need help getting my warrior to run right.

    So I recently got a warrior in a basket case. I got it all put back together and it started up but hardly ran, so i got a full carb rebuild kit and a new enrichment/choke lever assembly. Now it will only run with the enrichment/choke lever half way out. As soon as i push it in it dies. Did i...
  3. S

    I just got a 1990 warrior and need some help

    Ok so I recently bought a basket case warrior. I got it all put together and it fired right up but it will only run with the enrichment lever pulled out. And if you try to give it any gas at all it dies. I am assuming its some thing in the carb, i already cleaned it out once, did i miss some...