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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. J

    ditched the 4x4

    bwahahaha :) cant wait
  2. J

    ditched the 4x4

    so let me tell you guys a story. last year i bought an 01 eclipse that ran awesome but looked crappy for 700 dollars and a case of keystone light. windows in it wouldnt work, blinkers wouldnt work, it was a basket case but had 70k miles on it so i decided after a while to jump on craigslist and...
  3. J

    I think I fudged up

    take the shifter side cover on it and put a wrench on it, take the sparkplug out to so you wont be fighting compression if it has it lol
  4. J


    thats a sweet bike!!
  5. J

    Copper in oil

    almost looks like they sandblasted the motor and some got into it.
  6. J

    weird noise please read

    wait if you had the wheeler in 1st, with the clutch pulled in and it still made the sound wouldnt that mean that it isnt first gear since its not engaging with the clutch in?
  7. J

    warrior with xj 600 motor cheap!!!
  8. J

    few parts for warrior this isnt my post. just found it thought id share
  9. J

    cobra pipe? would i have to rejet?

    cobras are LOUUUUUUUUUUD, very loud
  10. J

    need a chain

    your probably better off buying a new chain and sprockets off of ebay
  11. J

    sad day yesterday

    haha ya i kinda figured that dead...yea 300 is a little small but she actually runs very nice and gets the job done :)
  12. J

    sad day yesterday

    yea its the 300, kinda small of a motor but it does really well for where and what i ride on
  13. J

    cheap warrior with works shocks
  14. J

    sad day yesterday

    yea it was a straight up trade, needs some plastic work though but the motor is newly rebuilt and i love the low/super low/diff lock settings. we took it out last night for the first ride and went through a creek about 2 feet deep and it didnt get stuck once. im pretty happy with the trade
  15. J

    sad day yesterday

    well i had to let the warrior go. traded it for a 97 kingqaud 4x4. 4x4 is more my style and im very happy with the trade. but ill drop in every now and then to see how things are going. i have a couple parts left over from my 94 warrior. like a arms, front breaks/spindles handle bars steering...
  16. J

    36 volt power wheels

    OH MY GOD that is freakin awesome! lol, need to put some rubber tread on them back tires and that thing would hook up quick lol!!!
  17. J

    Wire Harness Swap

    when i said swap the flywheels i didnt mean for it to act like i was trying to fix your starting problem - my mistake i should have worded that a little better. but im pretty sure some fly wheels need to be swapped i swear i read that some where. or maybe it was just for the 87's had 2 pick up...
  18. J

    Wire Harness Swap

    dont you have to change out the flywheel to if you switch harnesses? im not sure which years were interchangable
  19. J

    Who's been hurt on an ATV?

    cracked a rib when i was 8, i was on a honda recon i believe and my cousin was on the back. my first time on a wheeler and it was snowy out going through trails he told me to punch it so i did and didnt know there was a hairpin turn ahead. smoked a tree and my cousin who was 15 at the time a big...
  20. J

    thinkin bout replacing some gaskets

    i wanna say gray but dont quote me on that