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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. warrior89

    Haha whatch this

    I found this on youtube today only the first 40 seconds are funny
  2. warrior89

    Cant decide

    ya i know they are but its a little big for me so thats why im going smaller
  3. warrior89

    Cant decide

    I know this is a warrior forum but i was wondering what you guys think would be good to get im thinking about a 04 250ex or a 03 or newer blaster thanks jon
  4. warrior89

    Clutch Side Oil Cooler and Chain Tensioners

    haha this is really wierd i just tryed that and 0 results come up
  5. warrior89

    Clutch Side Oil Cooler and Chain Tensioners

    i know this is off topic but the other day i was looking for a blue cluch cover and blue cam cover and i couldent find any on ebay so what did you type in the search
  6. warrior89

    Comment by 'warrior89' in media '89 warrior'

    no i dont thinks so its just not on well i think the caliper needs to be rebiult because its leaking in air and they dont work (only the rear)
  7. warrior89

    My warrior

    thanks one more thing were did you get the red cluch cover or did you paint it
  8. warrior89

    My warrior

    what is the red circle on your motor not the side cover but the one in the cooling fins
  9. warrior89

    best website

    this is a good site too
  10. warrior89

    best website

    lol ya ebay is good
  11. warrior89

    best website

    well i was just wondering what everyone thinks is the best website for buying all different parts so comment tell me wht you think :iagree:
  12. warrior89

    Pull Start Assembly

    ok well ill let you know tomarro i have to think about it
  13. warrior89

    Pull Start Assembly

    do you still have it ive been looking for a pull start
  14. warrior89

    Tire question

    ok and if i got 20x11x9 would i need new rims?
  15. warrior89

    Tire question

    well since this is my first atv and i just got it im still trying different kinds of riding but i think for the most part it will be trails and a little mud and snow
  16. warrior89

    Tire question

    On my warrior the rear tires are 25x12-9 and they seem really big compared to tires on other sport quads that i have seen so i am wondering if i should get new smaller tires and if so what are all around good tires.
  17. warrior89

    Comment by 'warrior89' in media 'warrior 010'

    do u like you twist throttle?I was thinking about getting one.
  18. warrior89

    My Junk

    i payed 550 for mine runs great!
  19. 89 warrior

    89 warrior

  20. 89 warrior

    89 warrior
