well its time to get rid of some of the spare parts that i have... need to make room in the garrage for new toys,,,all prices are OBO and plus shipping
i will post pics hopefully later tonight
compression release valve cover 20
big bear oil cooler complete with adapter cooler lines...
in all honesty i bet just getting the seal u need will be alot better way to go... probbly be cheaper at least,,, and not sure what all are in those seal kits,,,,
thanks yall and it was on my own property so they would need a warrent to come on that ****!.... had the cops called on me a few times for riding and all they ever say is that they just have to show up it they get a call... lol
well went riding today and yup u guessed it i flipped.....flipped into the creek and the quad on top of me! well me and a few buddys were riding and i decided to jump a rock ledge in my woods and the guy that was on with me went forward and landed heavy on the front end then went over the ledge...
i would drain the oil and see what you find... i might also check the cylinder and piston for scaring,,, i would also take the clutch cover off and make sure there is not any pieces in there too,,, that would be a good start...
i'll have to check the spare junk head that i have,,,, or i can send you the head for like 5 bucks plus shipping... its a stripped head that had a valve break in it,,, and also broke the cam,,,,