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  1. R

    379 Stroker

    Exactly my point the ratio is almost spot on witch leads me to believe this would be a very reliable kit that could make good power maybe 35-37? deadlast makes 33 on a 366 so its possible
  2. My 91

    My 91

  3. R

    379 Stroker

    I was on ebay today looking at stroker kits and I came upon a 379 kit. It includes a +4mm stroker crank and a 84mm wiseco 10:5:1 piston. All gaskets for topend and i would assume you would use yamabond4 for the lower end. I like this kit because it looks to be a reliable bore:stroke ratio...
  4. R

    What are the rules for kids on ATV in Iowa?

    in missouri i see 8 year olds rippin banshee's
  5. R


    very true
  6. R


    thought so but i saw one at st.joes missouri with one
  7. R


    will banshee hoods fit warriors???
  8. R

    Comment by 'ryobi1' in media '04031838'

    i feel your pain man this happened to me multiple times but you can force a lugnut on there and ride the rest of the day
  9. R

    Shorty Exhaust

    damn dude not good!!
  10. R

    Shorty Exhaust

    im also on and i can get one at any given time for about 150 then mount it on a fmf pipe
  11. R

    Shorty Exhaust

    yea im also going to try a custom exhaust with a sparks muffler
  12. R

    Shorty Exhaust

    yea, I thought about it but I'm just doing this real quick with a bandsaw and some packing, once i get the money I'm set on the duncan racing fatboy 4 exhaust. Once i buy that I'll do R&D on the cobra
  13. R

    Shorty Exhaust

    lol you might just be right there sir, but I think it will sound good as long as I keep it packed they sound like s**t without packing
  14. R

    Shorty Exhaust

    Even though cobra pipes are junk i've got an idea in mind. I'm going to cut 3.5" off the end and the baffle and make it a shorty exhaust. Should be pretty s\straightforward and should sound pretty good.
  15. R

    Twist Throttle

    yea id like to fix this so i can ride
  16. R

    Twist Throttle

    I have a motion pro twist throttle on my 91. It sticks. When i take the cover off of the throttle splitter the return is very quick. Do i need to make a spacer for the cover of the splitter? Please help!!!
  17. R


    Where is the thread about fst's 446 kit