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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. DeadLastRacing

    New Toy

    you suck. Its beautiful.
  2. DeadLastRacing

    My 01 build

    welp, updates? Hows that 39FCR treating you?
  3. DeadLastRacing

    new to the site and warrior scene

    schweet, three for the price of one!
  4. DeadLastRacing

    my warriors and all my extras

    Post the [IMG] codes.
  5. DeadLastRacing

    Just got my First Warrior!

    Welcome, enjoy!
  6. DeadLastRacing

    Got this last night!

  7. DeadLastRacing

    S*!$ just-got-real

  8. DeadLastRacing

    R&R Lower steering stem bearing & seals.

    no one has asked and it hasn't been noted, but at the threads for the bearing retainer standard thread or reverse?
  9. DeadLastRacing

    Parts for sale or trade

    Sorry Beastmode, didn't check your follow up till just now. Just PM me a price on all of them and I will get you a pick of my silver pad.
  10. DeadLastRacing

    Some random pics of the new Warrior

    DUDE, your yoter is amazballs
  11. DeadLastRacing

    Trevorton PA riders

    I wanna make it out this year. Would be nice to ride with a guy who knows the place.
  12. DeadLastRacing

    I need your votes!! THANX

    My business is trying to win a grant contest. You can vote once a day. Super simple, just click vote. Not signup of any BS like that. Thanks if you take the time!
  13. DeadLastRacing

    Got my first quad!

    Welcome, Enjoy!! Excellent purchase!!
  14. DeadLastRacing

    yfm 350 Facebook

    I've tried, multiple times. Never resulted in anything though. alot of talk and no action. BUT, I do have the offer out there that if anyone wants to come to Ohio to ride and camp at my campsite in Wellsville, they are more than welcome to make the trip.
  15. DeadLastRacing

    yfm 350 Facebook

    I started the page. Its entertaining to say the least. Just another means to drive some new members to this site. As in any case, the idiots will realise they are idiots in due time and fall by the wayside.
  16. DeadLastRacing

    I kinda enjoy this welding thing

    I had to buy all new safety gear when I got the job. Gloves, jacket, helmet. The old man before me had used all of his personal stuff, so it all when with him, but yeah, safety is key, especially if I goof up and have to take a piss test. I'm not a stoner like I used to be, but it still finds...
  17. DeadLastRacing

    Airbox modification for 660 shock

    Um, we don't. We buy a 2001 660 shock that has a remote rezzi. It can be done though, gotta chop the bottom off quite significantly then patch it back. I have done that for running a shee shock more than once. Not to hard.