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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. W

    My first mx race

    going 2 dirtbikes huh? unless u meant the yfz
  2. W

    fender cut opinions?

    i like the cuts and the different shape of the hood but the frame is too exposed for me (too short)
  3. W

    Warrior parts for sale!

    how much for the piston? also how much for the spindals and hubs?(do you have any braking components?)
  4. W

    Warrior project!

    yeah just how you ****** me over with that tie rod end NOBODY BUY **** FROM THIS ********* he does not stick yo his word and doesnt pay for his mistakes
  5. W

    my system

    them cones got some good flex, i should get a vid of my brothers system
  6. W

    Mothers powerball mini

    i have not tried the mothers metal polish but the ones you listed work fine for me, i have never had a prob
  7. W

    WTB a light gap cover!!!!!!!!!

    i made one in 20 minutes, its not that difficult dude
  8. W

    Mothers powerball mini

    dod u use it on your plastics? cause everything i tried witht he mothers plastic polish and it still sucks ass and i will never use it again (i threw away 1/2 a bottle cause it sucked so badly, it made the plastics look worse)
  9. W

    WTB a light gap cover!!!!!!!!!

    i dont see why its so big of a deal, get some aluminum and make one yourself
  10. W

    You won't believe this!!

    i dont get it........ .....that 250 is cool
  11. W


    yeah but if you get the rebuild kit and it still dont work then you need a new one, you lose 2x i would judt get one off of ebay for cheap that you know works
  12. W


    just get a new master cylinder off of ebay
  13. W

    AC Racing nerf bars???

    i got them and all i can say is that they are amasing
  14. W


    you dont pump the brakes with the bleeder open, you close it pump it up hold the lever down crack it open so fluid sprays and then close the breather and repeat until you have pressure and brakes
  15. W

    sold the Warriors

    if i were in that situation i would have thought i was being ripped off (not just the money portion of the deal) but it looks good, have fun being an old fart lmao jpjp
  16. W

    WTB stock warrior pipe

    pm me and we will figure something out
  17. W

    WTB stock warrior pipe

    i have a stock pipe just painted in high temp paint perfect condition and black, i will get some pics tomorrow but im telling ya, perfect condition....give me an offer