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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. V

    A New Old Guy

    yeah i get that alot, its to distract people from all the crap that i type, makes me sound smarter ;)
  2. V

    A New Old Guy

    Welcome to the site and as death shadow said thanks for the compliments, its been a small struggle but were finally getting to where this website should be. IF you have any questions about the oil cooler feel free to ask.
  3. V

    Greatest Game ever!!!

    LOL, well i guess they loose their bearings when shot out of a cannon ;D
  4. V

    Riding pics from today

    he hates them, wishes he bought holeshots. They have great traction but they are wearing so fast its redicilious, the lugs chunck off in big pieces, and this was the 5th ride on them. The 2nd time out they were already showing signs of wear. The lake isn't manmade, its just over sand so it...
  5. V

    My WarrioR in action(WORKS AGAIN)

    Nice keep that bitch rocking, your next step, NOS w00t ;D
  6. V

    seminole mx track 4/16

    And we let it go on, most sites would have this thread locked by now. "stay on topic guys, keep the chit chat to pm's" And all that other crap you get at BT or atvconnection.
  7. V

    My WarrioR in action(WORKS AGAIN)

    Nice, you notice a power increase?
  8. V

    Greatest Game ever!!!

    nevermind 1120 ft. w00t i rock, lemmme get a screen capture.
  9. V

    Greatest Game ever!!!

    i just got 850, ill keep trying.
  10. V

    banshee, blaster or keep warrior

    stay away from a blaster, the motor is good, but the rest of the bike sucks, it has crap brakes, crap suspension, crap ergonomics. A banshee is good but they start to suck on trail because of the peaky powerband.
  11. V

    pics of black yfm 350r **new pics**

    Ohh nice, i thought you bought them from alba, since they have the red already. They look great, i have the candy red powdercoasting on my A arms and it matches perfectly. Looks real good, keep us up to date with the mods.
  12. V

    Riding pics from today

    He bought a billt thumb throttle extender, and it got caught on his glove over some whoops wide open, he bailed and it flipped.
  13. V

    pics of black yfm 350r **new pics**

    How did those fit, my friend bought them for the yfz and they didn't fit right, you had to grind off this tab to get them to work. Bike looks great.
  14. V

    Jersey's Finest

    Check out this location: And some dumb fun in the truck, we basically got lost in the woods and Justin's dodge was too big to get through alot of places so we were going in circles for a while...
  15. V

    Riding pics from today

    The lake: My rappy and justin's YFZ: What should have been a great wheeile pic but it was taken to late: The "dune": AND a day of riding can't be complete without justin ******* something up:
  16. V

    SEX problems?

    A man was having problems with premature ejaculation so he decided to go to the doctor. He asked the doctor what he could do to cure his problem. In response, the doctor said, "When you feel like you are getting ready to ejaculate, try startling yourself." That same day the man went to the store...
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    Greatest Game ever!!!

    DIE KITTY DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. V

    Favorite Beer

    Well me and my buddy Jose(cuervo) are VERY good friends, its a party when him and Jimmy(bean), Johnny(walker), Jack(daniels), and Jose come over :P
  19. V

    whitebros e2 series

    I think the more discs you run the louder it is.
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    Yeah i got the hmf, what other mods are you running?