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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. V

    New here....need mod suggestions

    Whats up and welcome to the site, Death covered everything basically, I too suggest the oil cooler, it was one of the better mods i have done, it really helps out if your ride for a long time, your tranny dosn't start getting sloppy an hour into the ride.
  2. V

    How to check and adjust warrior valve clearance.

    Good job, i was gonna do a sticky on this but you beat me to it
  3. V


    It wasn't me ::) BUT i do have a good idea who it was :P
  4. V

    You've been NAUGHTY!!!

    even better ;D "what happens in vegas, stays in vegas"
  5. V

    You've been NAUGHTY!!!

    Vegas will do it to you, but everyone has to experience that at least once in their life, there's NO place like vegas.
  6. V

    looks fun

    My guess is he fell out the powerband going up the jump
  7. V

    You've been NAUGHTY!!!

    98% illegal, and lonnie, if you want to take the trip to crystal lake and get some sand riding in, lemme know, ITS ILLEGAL but one of the best spots i have found in jersey so far.
  8. V

    Battery Clicking

    yeah but the battery can have enough to run the light but not enough to kick it over, hence the clicking sound. Throw a jumper box on it and try to start it, it should start right up.
  9. V

    starter one way clutch

    Yeah it sounds like it, does it have a high pitched squeal to it? Like it sounds like its not even spinning right, im having problems trying to explain it. :P
  10. V

    how do ya know when your valves need adjusting

    Honeslty there is no real way to know until they are really out of wack, so you just adjust them at every oil change, most likeyl you won't have, but check anyways. The first time at 20 hours is important, thats when you valves "settle" so you have to adjust them then.
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  12. V

    For the SE edition owners Go there, they want you to take a survey and you get 25 bucks.
  13. V

    new to forum, heres my warrior*UPDATED*

    Looks good, welcome to the site.
  14. V

    Battery Clicking

    Yeah if you have a tester like a DVOM just check across the battery, i know in cars anything under 12.2 is low. If you rgetting a reading into the 11's you know its crap.
  15. V

    yfm elite

    Exactly, and that goes for anyone that comes to this site, even if they ride a yfz/450R i want them to be able to say, "hey, these guys really do work over their quads" And maybe we'll start getting some more respect.
  16. V

    yfm elite

    LOOKS GOOD! Yeah that, basically its a voted in thing my the mods, a bike that really stands out, has ALOT of aftermarket, suspension, engine, looks great, etc. Something people will look at and be inspired by, basically something that makes you go "holy ****"
  17. V

    yfm elite

    were still working on it.
  18. V

    yfm elite

    ITS gonna take ALOT more then that bud.