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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. V

    yfm elite

    man your quick.......... ;D Its something were working on right now, its going to showcase the "elite" bikes on the site. Were working on the criteria right now, but basically the sickest bikes on the site.
  2. V

    fessendenr's new tires!

    Loosen the 2 nuts on the ends of your tierods and adjust them by turning the tierod. Get a tape measure and measuse the distance between the middle ribs on the front of the tire and in the back, then get it down to where you have like 1/2 inch more in the front.
  3. V

    fessendenr's new tires!

    Nice, your toe is off in the front, you may want to bring it down to 1/2 in toe out, looks like you got almost 2 inches, you don't want to wear those tires down.
  4. V

    138 main

    you can tell the diffrence, well at least i can. Honestly its really good learing how to jet the bike, im gonna go downstairs and make a freaking sticky on how to jet the raptor carb for everyone, it'll be on the site later today. Running a 138 all year is going to rob your performance.
  5. V

    jetting 350 raptor

    as long as you are running a K&N, they keep sand out better then foam. A k&n with a outerwear is the only thing i would ever run in sand.
  6. V

    138 main

    to rich, too much gas= too fat. Too much gas cause cylinder washdown, it maes the gas is leaking down past the rings, cause a whole shitload of problems, go smell your oil, if it smells like gas your ******.
  7. V

    White Bros or HMF

    Honestly i think its so close in terms of power that you won't notice a gain or a lose, its just up to you
  8. V

    138 main

    running too fat will **** up the motor, and it take a whole 5 minutes to change a main jet, so why not do it?
  9. V

    anyone in south florida wanna ride seminole

    hey 53, how do the callses work there, do the just have prod B or do they have something smaller?
  10. V

    Front bumper help

    The blingstar front bumper would offer some good protection here this is a better picture from directly up front:
  11. V

    warrior front hubs?

    Tap the ends of the ball joints with a hammer and they will pop right off.
  12. V

    138 main

    And thats why you'll always get smoked, you should do it for the seasons, like for summer, have it jetted for the heat, then fall and spring you can have it jeted basically the same, then winter.
  13. V

    white + candy blue = SEX (*UPDATED*)

    Looking good man, glad to see its getting done.
  14. V

    ELKA biznitches!

    Those are my next things on list, i wanna go check it out first before i drag the bike there, im leaving frinday so i won't be down there until saturday. See my thing was i was turning this thing into a XC bike, not MX, but ill give it a shot anyways, whats the worst that could happen.
  15. V

    quad rates baby!!!

    Looks good, TEAM ELKA is taking over, i think we got 4 yfm's now with elkas on this site.
  16. V

    ELKA biznitches!

    Friday, officially ::crosses fingers:: Im gonna head down there to check the track out, let me know when your heading down again and ill come by. I never mx'd before so take it easy on me the first few laps
  17. V

    ELKA biznitches!

    when are your a arms coming in, i can't wait to see those badboys. Where you at the track yesterday, my friend YFZ said he saw you at sunshine.
  18. V

    ELKA biznitches!

    865 + shipping
  19. V

    ELKA biznitches!

    w00t they showed up today, Elka got them to me in less then 2 weeks, they ******* rock. And they threw in a free T shirt :P
  20. V

    138 main

    Actually your probably going to need to lower it now that its getting warmer, i just dropped my jetting down to a 136, it was running to fat in the 65-70 degree weather were having.