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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. V

    i jsut got an idea..that's a scary thought.

    Ok you can accept the pictures and choose them, you finnaly have a job. w00t
  2. V


    Thats from summit racing, me and death spent a LONG TIME looking for that freaking thing. Its like 30 bucks, if you want i can get the part number for you. the website is :
  3. V

    First wreck

    Welcome to the club, take some pictures of the damage
  4. V

    New Banner!?

    What the hell is going on in here ????????
  5. V

    New Banner!?

    yeah, we can make this a contest, if you want make a banner, and we'll see who wins.
  6. V

    banshee, blaster or keep warrior

    I agree, 2nd gear on a 660 is godlike, you get that happy feeling in your pants when you ride out 2nd on one.
  7. V

    At least computer geeks are good for something! :D
  8. V

    pics of black yfm 350r **new pics**

    Thats the black you can only get in europe.
  9. V

    Tail/Brake lights

    thats all ebay, check around, they always have them on there.
  10. V

    Pics added

    Mna that is clean, looks good.
  11. V

    TUSK nerf-bars

    sounds good, gte a picture when you get them in.
  12. V

    Paying for it

    LOLOLOLOL, thats just wrong in so many ways.
  13. V

    anyone know website for jetting warriors??

    Hell im even more lazy then that, i don't even take the carb off, i loosen the clamps and twist it to one side. Theres your 5 minute main jet chainge, the needle is a diffrent story, you have to pull plastics and the tank off on the rappys, so thats like a whole 15 minutes.
  14. V

    Some New Pictures

    Still no nets, WTF dave, just get the freaking nets already, unless you want the embroidered pink ones we were talking about ;)
  15. V

    Airbox ''UPDATED"

    looks good, like spedy said, make sure you bump the jetting up a little.
  16. V

    Gripper seat cover for Raptor 350

    AND WHAT A WHORE TO GET IT ON. Man, that sucks. I have to finish it up tommorrow when i go buy a diffrent staple gun, the one im usuing just dosn't want to work.
  17. V

    pics of black yfm 350r **new pics**

    Nice, how do you like the shocks?