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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. V

    Favorite Beer

    My vote is for corona the beer of champions ;D
  2. V


    LOL your like me, only if i break something will i go, i never got stitches in my life and i sure as **** needed them a few times
  3. V

    I'm new also

    Welcome to the site, hope you like it and stick around.
  4. V

    Pics Of The Elka's

    NICE, mine bottom out over everything now. Are those are MX valved ?
  5. V

    Finally Box's warrior appears!

    Looking great, i like the ghost :P
  6. V


    Honestly, you should just keep the jetting where it is and run the needle 1 clip richer, but jetting is based by the individual bike, alot of things account for it, so i can't tell you run this jet and you'll be fine, you have to play with it yourself.
  7. V

    got me some scoops

    LOL, thats new, "sherman tank with 1 track gone" :P Yeah its not the end of the world, good luck with your "attempt" at fixing it.
  8. V

    got me some scoops

    Scoops look great, sucks that you ****** up your ends, those cost a pretty penny, check ebay.
  9. V

    New Plastics

    The look cool, i have seen them already, the thing i don't like about them is the missing tank cover piece. See what im saying?
  10. V

    Cut Fenders

    Looks good, i told you being drunk would help out alot ;)
  11. V

    Bit by the bug

    Nice glad to hear you like it, im kida tossing the idea around to get a 660 and give up on the 350, idk, we'll see what happens.
  12. V

    Just got OHLINS piggybacks

    Nice, i rode on a set of ohilins on a Cdale, great shocks, jump anything you want and you won't feel the landing.
  13. V

    update of my rappy

    looking good, and you finally figured out how to post pics, w00t ;)
  14. V

    update new pipe & bars

    Nope not yet, i wouldn't be online :P I think we are leaving on tuesday, the closing got pushed back a few days due to some issues the buyers had.
  15. V

    update new pipe & bars

    Looking Good, when are the A arms and shocks coming in?
  16. V

    OK...what do ya think!!!UPDATED!!!

    Welcome to the HD club ;D
  17. V

    OK...what do ya think!!!UPDATED!!!

    Your really gonna like the tires.