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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. C

    weird problem

    nvm i found the problem is very simple and its just a stretched throtle cable. does anyone know how to fix it? i have an 88 so its the two cable system
  2. C

    weird problem

    i just took the carb apart and i noticed theres about 2 cm play in my throtle before it engages and when i opened the carb and gave it gas i noticed that it doesnt pull it open all the way. it goes till about a 2 inch gap. is that normal? now im thinking its something stupid like a throtle cable
  3. C

    weird problem

    i dont know what jet it has im going to pull it off now but i know it has a pipe and a umi air filter. and im on long island in ny
  4. C

    weird problem

    hey i have an 88 warrior i bought off my dads friend who bought it brand new. he rode it all them time right before he sold it to me he said its bogging down. it idles fine but when you give it gas some times its power is right there other times its not and comes in a few seconds later. when i...