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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. W

    Please Vote

    Local Yamaha want 3 times the price for everything I can order from Royal Distributing in Canada. I use E-bay too. Air filter and durablue axle. I saved $150 Canadianby purchasing axel from a Wisconsin wholesaler, and $10 on the filter.
  2. W


    Nope the actual power is produced at your feet. The magnet at the flywheel creates the juice. The stator just smooths out the output and stores/sends the rest to the batt./ cdi.
  3. W

    Axel choices

    I love my Durablue. Fit well and much beefier than stock. Takes shitloads more abuse, is still shiny after 2 years, and was pretty cheap.
  4. W

    What is everyone running for an air filter?

    I did not get a sticker with my adapter base as I made it myself, but after purchasing a Uni for $20 from Florida(I live in N. Canada), my total cost was $ + squirt of blue spraypaint. :(
  5. W


    Dynojet makes jet kits for older warriors. Yfm 350 are 348 cc... 350 moto 4 or big bear is 345cc(?) . I am sure the carb is smaller/different on the utility engines.
  6. W

    What is everyone running for an air filter?

    Put outerwhears on your uni!
  7. W

    making my own clamp on kit

    I made mine out of steel. Buy a uni or whatever filter and get a 1/2" of tube milled to fit the inside nice...make sure a couple of tiny grooves around the cyl. to help the filter clamp on better. I migged it onto a light gauge back I traced with the sponge piece that came with uni .To seal it...
  8. W


    Oh dear that cat came back.
  9. W


    as in Springer!
  10. W

    whats up

  11. W

    Video from Norway

    nice vids..I only watched a few this time, I'll save some for later. :)
  12. W

    ugly man lol

    Ahh. Beetljuice, fine actor....I betcha he gets da ladies.
  13. W

    Not safe for viewing under 18. I mean it!

    :o Serious no complaints. if you are easily made ill do not watch. Everyone else, laugh away! I couldn't pass this link up.... http://www.thats-****** I'm sorry, or YOUR WELCOME.... ::)
  14. W

    Trail Tech HID

    Perhaps the company is just anal about demanding too much power from such a small battery. Probably when you are driving on the "highway" you will be revving the bike enough to charge well, as opposed to idling and draing the bat reserve... Just a though... I imagine if death and the other...
  15. W

    Need to know!!

    Heres the deal... I have ridden 80 miles on a tank of fuel. The terrain was hills(1000' total diff but lots of ups and downs for 100s of feet) gravel/sand trail, bushtrail(tree roots and swamp and water). I made the tour without too much performing and was into reserve when I rolled into camp...
  16. W

    question on shifting?

    I guess your plates are wore, if the clutch is that far out of adjustment. pics might help...
  17. W


    lubrication, heat, and some beating....sounds like recipe for self love....but that should get the bearing out, and smooth the inside of the housing a little with emerycloth.... :)
  18. W

    Rebirth -- heavenly blue**updt 7/31/05**56k beware

    TIRES!!!!!!!!!!! I thought mine were bald on the rear but you bro deff get your moneys worth on rubber,I can't even imagine going ANYWHERE with those banana skins. How do you turn? How do you get forward movment? ....AMAZING Hahahahaha Teach me that trick!
  19. W

    Riding video

    :) I liked listening to the bikes.....
  20. W

    question on shifting?

    Is it Hot?...Need more info....