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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. W

    the girls on the site

    It seems you had ANOTHER sex change today.....???? :wtf:
  2. W


    Yes it totally out today, yesterday I could get to the opening page but no farther.
  3. W

    the girls on the site

    You have nice ****s fearnofish! hahaha...cough, cough...hahaha Regina you should show yours too!
  4. W

    at the races!

    Mig welg ...yup! fishplate that ****** too.
  5. W

    spark plug

    I go with light chocolate to tan...If its grey it makes me nervous....Aluminium burnt off your piston makes grey spark plugs ...Thats how I was taught.....Maybe you want to ask this question in Quad Related Problems, and get more input...
  6. W


    haha, did you get your berries wet? I like crashes that don't hurt nothin'.
  7. W

    Whoops, I broke it.

    ewwww... **** zuzzu, is the rear section twisted up bad? Thats crazy...Must have rusted on the inside...??? Is it fixable? how about a patch and reweld? How easy is it to get frames there?
  8. W


    *casually steps back into cover* "Ha ha HA Imperialist swine... I'll get you next tim...SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTttttttttttt.
  9. W

    Riding pics

    ...and slam your engine " case" into the ground on impact....botoming your suspension, and banging your sack into the seat or gastank!
  10. W

    spark plug

    If it is grey , you are lean , do not ride.....Jet your bike richer or adjust mixture screw, look for crack in intake man.
  11. W


    I would like to hear some warrior racing stories, Keep us POSTED... I was just wondering how a serious company was going to support a racer who is trying to slip obvious mods through any rules of the track? I mean poor sportsmanship is not real good for business image...
  12. W

    50 hours later...

    Much better today. My shoulder will move without wincing in pain, my back is not so sore, the road rash is drying up and healing, and my knee is only like 1.5 the size it should be... Maybe I'll go for a spin....
  13. W

    I'm new, so here's my story of wreckless stupidity

    Good luck there Marc/welby, I have 3 vert. compressed in that area , from my crash... It is the least of my worries... Good luck and I hope your Back knits together fast and proper.
  14. W


    Where are you racing? Who is your sponsor? Can I watch you on T.V. or read about you in Dirtwheels?... If your racing ....good on ya....If your posing...well.......
  15. W


    did they read your mod thread?
  16. W

    2006 raptor 350

    Think jets and air filter too...
  17. W

    couple questions, 06 raptor 350

    2.5 mph change every tooth rear sprock 5 mph change every tooth frt sprock. these are pretty close for the rappy/warr
  18. W

    Help Problem with Raptor 350!!

    Sounds like your plug is ******....
  19. W

    is any 10w40 OK

    As long as that "energy conserving" **** is left off the A.P.I label you should be good to go. 10-40 for Diesel engines is the ticket, or "heavy duty" I use Shell Rottella 10w40 with no ill effect...its cheep.....I can find it in every hick town I come across...just find a gas station...viola...
  20. W

    You think someone would say something

    well it is certainly better than " Cream of sumyung-Guy"