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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. G


    the rear light braket is a little screwed, i should have took a better pic, the headlight guard bent a little, and the fender is mess up, (looks worst is person.) its not a stess mark its like a bend, kind of like a fold ???
  2. G


    well i dont know if all of yall knew but about 4 weeks ago, i broke my collar bone jumping on my quad shortly after winning the april pic of the month, and my quad has been sittin dirty in my garage, and i decide that i was well enough to wash it today, so i did, and i found this...
  3. G

    If I parted- who would buy stuff?

    I will take everything at once. Except the acerbis rally pro handguards. How much do u want?
  4. G


    what i want to clean up
  5. G


    can u buy the liner at like walmart, or would i have to go to a body shop?
  6. G


    what exactly is Rustoleum ???
  7. G


    I did sumthin stupid, i have an 03 warrior, and i thought it would be cool to grind down the finsh on my pegs to kind of get a polished look, and it didnt look bad for a while but now the pegs are starting to rust and i want to repaint them. what kind of paint do i need, and what will be my...
  8. G

    new riding pics

    ya if u wanna come down to texas, thanx for the replys guys, today im going to make it bigger, and i will try to get some pics :D
  9. G

    new riding pics

    hell ya if the landing wasnt there, i would have easily broke sumthin! ;D
  10. G

    new riding pics

    pics from today (first jump ever to build)
  11. G

    cool pics i found
  12. G

    Might be selling her...

    hey death sorry about everything that is going on in ur life, if u decide to part out pm me, and mabey ill be able to help u out
  13. G

    bear claws

    is $215 shipped a good price for a full set of kenda bear claws? ??? 23-7-10 fronts 22-12-9 rears
  14. G

    rappy pegs on warrior

    will rappy pegs work on a warrior ???
  15. G

    warrior jump pics (do they exist)

    **** even 250exs :-/
  16. G

    warrior jump pics (do they exist)

    Can yall guys help me find some warrior jump pics? Ive looked all over the web and am unable to find anything. I am still debating on wether or not to get a new suspension, or a new quad. But when i see this (****** honda 300ex)
  17. G

    Got some new tires

    damn dude looks sweet tell us what u think of them :)
  18. G

    my new video

    zuzzu how do u like your bike compared to the honda?
  19. G

    what would u do

    Trail, but where i ride there are some BIG jumps