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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. G

    what would u do

    if you were givin a 03 stock yamaha warrior that you could not sell, and had 4000 dollars laying around would you mod it if so what mods, or use the 4000 to get another bike? Thanks
  2. G

    I need any aftermarket parts for my warrior

    post some parts and i will pm you if i am interested
  3. G

    10 inch, 9 inch, or 8 inch

    Im getting new wheels and tires for christmas I have decided to go with kenda klaw tires 21inch in front 20inch in rear, and douglas .190 wheels. What size wheels should I go with in the rear 10inch, 9inch, or 8inch, and why? (I ride mainly trails and on occasion mx)
  4. G

    Jump picture

    isnt a banshee just as heavy ::)
  5. G

    FST Stroker Kit information Q&A

    hey death do u know if u have to run race gas with that kit?? Thanks
  6. G

    maier race plastics

    does anyone have them? How do u like them, and post some pics Thanks
  7. G

    FST Stroker Kit information Q&A

    thanx death when i get some more money i think i will be getting that :o
  8. G

    what should i do? HELP!!!

    If i keep the warrior my first set of mods will include. ACracing nerfs Acracing belly skid Hmf slipon FMF hiflow header Douglas Wheels .190 Kenda karly rear tires Kenda klaw front tires Alba bumper ?? Rear GB Proflow air filter kit with uni filter dyno-jet jet kit
  9. G

    what should i do? HELP!!!

    ???Im in a werid situation either i have a free yamaha warrior (03), or i can buy my own bike (thinking of 400ex). I ride trails, and where i ride there are some ok size jumps, 5-7ft high that my warrior cant handle right now. So my options are keep saving (im about to be 16 and am getting a...
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    aftermarket wheels

    im thinking about some douglas .190s all around with kenda klaw front(21-7-10) and kenda knarly rear (20-11-9)
  11. G

    aftermarket wheels

    do aftermarket wheels help if so what do they do? Thanks
  12. G

    warrior/raptor action pics

    I need to stiffen my suspension!!! :o
  13. G

    Warrior Ver.1

    looks sweet :D Just get some shocks and you will be set
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    do you know if douglas .190 are offset?
  15. G


    r ur wheels stock offset, and how does your bike jump thanks
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    LSR Swingarm BABY!:MORE PICS:

    presonaly i like it more with them on. And can u tell me where u got the swingarm from its sweet.
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    LSR Swingarm BABY!:MORE PICS:

    where did u order it from?
  18. G

    Custom Peg Widening

    im interested can u post some pics of yours?