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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. G

    warrior/raptor vs. 300ex

    People on exriders where saying that the ex is alot better is this true?? :'(
  2. G

    jump pics

    any more
  3. G


    I have a stock 03 warrior and i have 1500 to spend what do i need?
  4. G


    my email in [email protected] when your ready!! ;D
  5. G

    best engine kit?????

    who has it and how many cc's is it?
  6. G


    who makes the best aarms, for the money??? (to fit a warrior)
  7. G

    cheapest after market a-arms

    how good are the hsd aarms and the magnum aarms
  8. G

    aftermarket suspension

    I was talking about a stock yfz (the actual quad) ;D
  9. G


    what is the wicked suspension sites address?
  10. G

    aftermarket suspension

    with the suspension that i said will it be better than a yfz suspension???? ???
  11. G

    warrior o warrior

    where can you get a 500cc kit???? :D
  12. G

    aftermarket suspension

    is there a huge difference +2 hsd aarms and some works shocks with ressies, and stock because i dont want to spend that much, and there not be a big diff.?
  13. G

    What do yall think

    I am 15 and have 1600 saved should i buy stuff for my warrior or just keep saving and get a new quad?? (My dad bought the warrior new in 03 and will not let me sell it so i will need about 4-5 grand more for a new quad) :'(::) If i should keep the warrior what aftermarkets should i get???
  14. G

    new 06's are here

    At i cant find the new 700 raptor??? :(
  15. G

    TUSK nerf-bars

    do ims pegs fit on them?
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    Does anyone have the 430cc kit? If so how much was it installed for and will it take a 400cc bike?
  17. G

    IMS Roll Design Footpegs

    do the pegs work with tusk nerfs?
  18. G


    how do u go about getting sponsors? ???
  19. G

    raptor rear

    what would i need to do to install a raptor rear shock and would it be that much better?