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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. G

    riding pics *updated*

    here is some pics of my brother on the warrior ;D
  2. G

    my new bike!

    Mods 909 bars westcoast chopper grips hotcams kit fmf titanium4 pipe proflow airfilter kit dynojet jet kit front wheels fliped
  3. G

    first vid ever

    Tell me what you think
  4. G

    help quick

    do yall think this is a good buy? mod list- Asr +2 a-arms, Works shocks (170lbs rider), +4 extended...
  5. G


    well i dont know if all of yall knew but about 4 weeks ago, i broke my collar bone jumping on my quad shortly after winning the april pic of the month, and my quad has been sittin dirty in my garage, and i decide that i was well enough to wash it today, so i did, and i found this...
  6. G


    I did sumthin stupid, i have an 03 warrior, and i thought it would be cool to grind down the finsh on my pegs to kind of get a polished look, and it didnt look bad for a while but now the pegs are starting to rust and i want to repaint them. what kind of paint do i need, and what will be my...
  7. G

    new riding pics

    pics from today (first jump ever to build)
  8. G

    cool pics i found
  9. G

    bear claws

    is $215 shipped a good price for a full set of kenda bear claws? ??? 23-7-10 fronts 22-12-9 rears
  10. G

    rappy pegs on warrior

    will rappy pegs work on a warrior ???
  11. G

    warrior jump pics (do they exist)

    Can yall guys help me find some warrior jump pics? Ive looked all over the web and am unable to find anything. I am still debating on wether or not to get a new suspension, or a new quad. But when i see this (****** honda 300ex)
  12. G

    what would u do

    if you were givin a 03 stock yamaha warrior that you could not sell, and had 4000 dollars laying around would you mod it if so what mods, or use the 4000 to get another bike? Thanks
  13. G

    I need any aftermarket parts for my warrior

    post some parts and i will pm you if i am interested
  14. G

    10 inch, 9 inch, or 8 inch

    Im getting new wheels and tires for christmas I have decided to go with kenda klaw tires 21inch in front 20inch in rear, and douglas .190 wheels. What size wheels should I go with in the rear 10inch, 9inch, or 8inch, and why? (I ride mainly trails and on occasion mx)
  15. G

    maier race plastics

    does anyone have them? How do u like them, and post some pics Thanks
  16. G

    what should i do? HELP!!!

    ???Im in a werid situation either i have a free yamaha warrior (03), or i can buy my own bike (thinking of 400ex). I ride trails, and where i ride there are some ok size jumps, 5-7ft high that my warrior cant handle right now. So my options are keep saving (im about to be 16 and am getting a...
  17. G

    aftermarket wheels

    do aftermarket wheels help if so what do they do? Thanks
  18. G

    warrior/raptor action pics

    post all of your best warrior/raptor 350 action pics in here (jumps wheelys donuts burnouts ect.)
  19. G

    what to do

    i got a 03stock warrior from my dad and am wondering wether to mod it or not? I dont want to dump my money into the bike and it still not be powerfull enough. So what should i do keep it stock and keep saving or dump some money into it? (i have 2500 saved) ???