I'm a mechanic all day every day. Been into the warriors for a while now, too. Just put the cover back on with a couple of bolts to hold it in place. Remove the large plug in the top of the cover (has a slot for a reg screw driver), in that hole you'll find a small notch (at 12oclock position). Rotate the engine untill you find the "T" in the flywheel(looking through that hole). There is a line DIRECTLY infront of the "T". Line that line up with the notch in the hole. Now your piston is at TDC. Next, remove your cam cover, and make sure that the thick line embossed in the cam gear is in line with the "tit" (at about the 11oclock position) in the head. If that mark is not lined up correctly, your cam timing is off. If it's off, off pretty far (i.e. 1/4"), the valves can't close all the way, and the compression is escaping when the piston moves up on the compression stroke.