Bought a Warrior, have problems

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Jun 5, 2007
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I just bought a warrior that is not in running condition. It seems to have pretty good compression but does not have spark. the guy I bought it from says he thinks it's the CDI. He said he found a broken wire on the stator and replaced that. How do I test the rest of the system (CDI, coil, etc.) I don't know what year this quad is, but I do know it's somewhere between an 87 and a 91.

If I can ever figure out what year it is, I'm planning to get a manual. Another question is, If I replace the electrical system with one off a newer warrior (a 2000), would that work?
u need to get a repair manual. i have one and i had the same problem as you with good compression and no spark and it ended up being the pick up coil on the stator. to test it youll need an ohm meter to test different wires that connect to the plugs that connect to the cdi.
I have an ohm meter. I just need to know what to test. I'm going to try to find a manual tomorrow. I finally found the VIN so I can find out what I really have. The lower frame rail is about as dumb a place as I can think of to stamp important numbers. The vin on mine is pretty worn away.
OK, I found out it's a 1988. I just found a repair manual online, so I'm off to check some stuff! Anyone have any advice????????
i have a worrior that will not spark been working on it for a while now no luck i ve replaced everything still nothing and a 2000 warrior cdi box plugs are different