Clutch mod not so great....

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USMC 350

Mar 22, 2012
Reaction score
Tehachapi, Ca
So I pulled my clutch apart today and installed the extra thin steel like I read in the tutorial section. I mesured all the fibers and they are still well within spec. I changed the oil and oil filter. Upon starting up the engine to test I found a very SLIGHT improvment in engagement.....but only very little and not to the dramatic extent that I've been reading about. I figured with this additional steel and the addition of a raptor clutch assembly the clutch would have been a quantom leap of improvment. Should I have added an extra fiber in between the steel and the additional steel? Should I have yanked out the wave spring washer things? Did I miss something here? After building myself up to the anticipated improvment in clutch feel and not achieving as such I'm feeling a little :loco:!!
Its not gonna change the feel, it just gets rid of so much slack in the plates and frictions, that it make the clutch last longer. And with our air cooled motors its real hard on clutches, since these motors run super hot.
thanks for the quick response........What I mean by feel is that there is still a good amount of slack. I still have to let the clutch out almost all the way before it begins engage. I adjusted the cable to take up that slack by having about a 1/4 inch of play at the lever which makes it kinda ok......but then I don't get enough pull to completely disengage the clutch which makes finding neutral with the engine running very hard.
This is an extremely low hour 03 warrior. The basket, boss, everything looked brand new. Zero grooves in the basket. Its just that the way I have the clutch adjusted right now it does not fully disengage the clutch when I pull in the lever. I'm gonna give it another try today though. I'll play with the adjustment of the lever and cable again. Again, I left in the wave spring washers. Do you think this could have something to do with anything? I read that some left them in and some take them out. What are they for?
I would readjust the cable at the bracket. You'll probably have to "let it out" some with the addition of the plate, to keep from draging.
So I pulled my clutch apart today and installed the extra thin steel like I read in the tutorial section. I mesured all the fibers and they are still well within spec. I changed the oil and oil filter. Upon starting up the engine to test I found a very SLIGHT improvment in engagement.....but only very little and not to the dramatic extent that I've been reading about. I figured with this additional steel and the addition of a raptor clutch assembly the clutch would have been a quantom leap of improvment. Should I have added an extra fiber in between the steel and the additional steel? Should I have yanked out the wave spring washer things? Did I miss something here? After building myself up to the anticipated improvment in clutch feel and not achieving as such I'm feeling a little :loco:!!

Has it changed since install? How much time is on it now? Do you still feel the same? What exactly, changes in the feel?
