i f-ed over my carb

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2006
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man i f-ed it over i think..... it'll idle, but so far i've only tried it up to 2nd gear.. and it will not go pretty much it cuts out and a little smoke comes outta the exhaust.... can anyone help me.... this all happened when i tried rejetting my carb and the screws would not come out... so something must of fell out or got switched... i'm so ****** right now and would really appreciate some help
Did you change anything, or just try to take it apart, then give up and put it back on? Check that you have the carb on the intake manifold all the way. And not to be an ass or anything, but did you remember to turn the gas back on? I've forgotten that before.
yeh its all on right, gas in on, i just tried to take it apart and gave up and put it back together
you might have managed to get the float stuck closed when you were handling it. It's just a redneck guess, but try taking the carb off and shaking it to see if you hear the float moving freely.
i don't know what to tell you. something's not put back together the way it was when you started.
well when you were taking it apart how far did you get and then give up ?if you can tell us that it could narrow it down a little bit and maybe helpp figure wasup with it.

Get a copy of the service manual and dissasemble the carb, its your only option.