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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
York, PA
Anybody know if the stock heel guards work with the IMS pegs, or how much it would take to make them work? I just bought yeoldetyme's pegs and there's just no way i'm spending the $180 that the retailers are asking for the IMS heel guards.
I dont think they will b/c there wider..wouldnt that mean the mounts would be outa place? I didnt know IMS made heal guards for the warrior..I thought they just made those little guards that are almost like stock
Yeah, those little stock-style guards are the ones i'm talking about. They're just sort of like the stock steel heel plates and the plastic guards between them and the fender, just combined into one piece made out of aluminum. Can you believe they want $180 for a pair of those? Screw that. They look good, but not that good.

I was pretty sure before even posting this that the stock ones wouldn't bolt up directly, since they're both wider and lower than the stock ones. I'm asking this with more of a focus on the part about how much it would take to modify them to fit because that's probably what i'll end up doing.
Still doesn't make much sense to me - they make the same thing for the warrior, and the ones for the z400 aren't any cheaper either...
the ones for the Z400 are a full heal guard..the ones for the warrior arent are they?

The pictures show them as being the same design as the yfz's and everything else. But now that you mention that, I do remember seeing some on a warrior somewhere that were just like stock, and didn't come up the back. Hmm. Either way, they're too ****** expensive and i'll just do some fabrication on the stock ones if I need to. I think I can do a nice job, grind the welds down and grind off the mounting tabs for the plastic guards, and then get it powdercoated chrome, candy red, or something like that. Should look pretty good if it's done right.
Yeah..Bad04warrior had them on his and they werent the full heal guard..but have you seen pics of daves warrior with the IMS z400 heal guards...Its ******* sick...Hey you live in PA..You hunt?
i have the ims heel guards that are the stock style. i think the stock ones should mount right up. ill check on it though because i think i may still have my stock ones. ill have to do some digging in the barn. i do know that i had to drill holes for where my nerf bars mount to the pegs though because they didnt line up. i still want to know what dave had to do to get the z400 heel guards to fit up, because that would be freakin sweet! then i would probably sell the ones i have now. well ill try to check on that for ya yamarider. either way, just try it out and see if it works. if not just run without heels for a little bit until you get some but be careful. later