Oil cooler working or not?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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How do i know if its working? There is oil in the bottom of the lines and i cant get the top off so i don't know if theres oil up there. The lines are cool and same with the cooler. I can put my hands on it. I'm going for a ride Saturday so should there be heat on the cooler or the lines?

Thanks FRN
Theres oil in both the lines at the bottom. But the lines that go on the cooler arn't coming off with out a fight. I just did a oil change. Oh and one more question, you know that little C clip and spring that goes on what clip did you put the C clip on? I put mine on the second i think there is 3.
Okay I'm confused! I did a oil change and still no heat on the lines? Do i need a oil pump?
No im completely lost there is oil coming out of both holes is that normal with the lines off?
I did a test and it proved that it will pump oil, i put my thumb on the bottom outlet and a oil line on the top about 4 feet in the air. I pressed the start button with my thumb on the bottom out let and oil came slowly out the top the a hole lot. So its pumping right?
I don't really understand what your saying. There is only one place to put the c-clip in the oil filter base.
It will take awhile for the oil to heat up enough for you to feel a difference in the lines and cooler. If you take one line off the machine at the oil cooler oil should flow out at a pretty reasonable rate.
Sorry about that C clip thing i thought there was 3 clips where it goes but i re-looked at it and theres only one.

I went for a 3 hour ride in 95 degree temperature and there want any heat on the lines by the cooler, down by the engine there was alot of heat. I cant take the lines off at the cooler there on there real good and cant get them off but down at the bottom by the engine i can take them off and oil comes out of both of them. Shouldn't it only come out of one?
did you install the plate - spring, washer then clip?
well oil will flow a little out of both when taking the lines off.. with the engine running there should be an ass load of oil coming out of one and less out of the other.
So everything is working? When i turn it on with the lines off oil comes pissing out of the top one then come out of the bottom but not as much. The top is full and the bottom is about 1/2.
I think i put the spring and all that on wrong. I went washer bottom, spring, plate then C clip
Okay oil cooler is working there is heat in the cooler. After about 15-20 mins of ideal i can hardly touch to cooler