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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. bikewarrior350

    My S10

    also smaller tires are gennerally considered passeger tires (has a P before the tire size) and will have a lower load rating that a light truck tire (has an LT before the size) so you would decrease the payload capacity which is a very bad idea as youll tell yourself the truck is rated for x...
  2. bikewarrior350

    My S10

    im an s10 nut and have owned atleast two s-series trucks at the same time for the past 5yrs so feel free to ask any other questions you may have. for the record its fairly common for thes trucks to have the tires rub evem with stock size tires as they get older because the suspension sags...
  3. bikewarrior350

    Top end gasket overhaul sets - preference?

    personally i wouldnt cheap out on gaskets because even the expensive ones arent that much money. not to mention if you blow a head gasket or something starts leaking it really sucks tearing apart a freshly rebuilt motor to replace the gasket toy shouldnt have cheaped out on in the first place...
  4. bikewarrior350

    A little ice action

    no studs in the tires that day and prob had more fun just zipping around on the warrior than i did the entire season whooping everyone on my 700 with studded tires. thats a buddy on his modded 660. beleive it or not my 700 is actually quicker in the straights despite being stock but he...
  5. bikewarrior350

    A little ice action

    i got a new video camera for christmas so for the past month ive been taking video on the ice and this is what i came up with. pretty much its just clips of us doing flat track and screwing around. didnt get too much footage of the 'ole wardog though as i only had it out one weekend before i...
  6. bikewarrior350

    Rear shock bearing removal?????

    the shock bearings are by far the biggest pain in the ass job ive ever had on my warriors and i rebuilt both of them practally from the ground up. when i did mine i sprayed a crapload of pb blaster in there every couple of min for a couple hrs inbetween doing other stuff just to losen them up...
  7. bikewarrior350

    400EX or 660R

    if you can swing the 700 id definatelty say go for it cause its well worth the money. Insane power even stock and the throttle response is unbeleiveable. Ive had mine since october and i still cant beleive the power its got. It is a little top heavy but its wide so you get used to it real...
  8. bikewarrior350

    Looking for mud tires

    those are the ones. they only make them in a 20x11 rear and ive seen them in person and i wasnt impressed. there isnt much tread on them and seeing as they are about $30 more a peice than the 22x12 kendas which have double the tread. plus the extra ground clearance is a critical in the mud...
  9. bikewarrior350

    Looking for mud tires

    kenda bear claws all the way. ive got them on all of my bikes and love them. there great in the mud and rocks and still hook up great in hardpack and best of all there cheap. ive had a set of them on my '96 warrior for about 7yrs and theres still some deicent tread on them. i even have them on...
  10. bikewarrior350

    zerk in axle??

    you have to take off the inner seals or the grease wont get into the bearings. the outers can be left on but usually the first time you pump in grease they will pop out. wont do any harm to leave them in and prob could add a little more protection from dirt
  11. bikewarrior350

    Clutch Install Writeup

    Replacing a clutch on a warrior is fairly simple however to those that havent ever torn into a motor i figured that i would document a clutch install. Before starting you should put the new friction plates in an oil bath and let them soak for atleast 15-20min. I used the bottom half of a...
  12. bikewarrior350

    Transmission Hiccup

    i think ive got the same thing going on that you do. you wouldnt happen to have a hard time shifting would you?
  13. bikewarrior350

    hard shifting

    makes sense. today i messed around with the free play adjustments in the clutch again and im thinkin theres definately something going on with the clutch. there was a ton of throw on the lever on the side of the case so i repositioned it and got the cable adjusted good and then took it out on...
  14. bikewarrior350

    hard shifting

    didnt even know warriors had problems with bent shift forks. ive never had a problem with that on my 96 that ive had for 10yrs with 2 transmissions. how could they even get bent?
  15. bikewarrior350

    hard shifting

    so my 98 has a really hard time shifting through the gears. theres barely any movement in the shifter and even when wearing workboots it actually hurts the top of my foot to up shift. i run a yz250 shifter but my 96 has the same with no problems so i doubt thats causing it. i was thinking mabey...
  16. bikewarrior350

    began full rebuild!

    heres a link to ones that are green. comes with shock covers though which i wouldnt use.
  17. bikewarrior350

    everything is for sale..everything

    pm sent. interested in an axle either stock or durablue (depending on price) airbox and guess im next in line for the cam
  18. bikewarrior350

    began full rebuild!

    x2 for the cans on. gold just seems to stand out too much for my taste
  19. bikewarrior350

    Swingarm bolt stuck

    so i went to replace the swingarm bearings on my 98 yesterday and the swingarm bolt is good and stuck in there. i know that these things are notorious for seizing inside the sleve so anyone got any tricks to get it out?
  20. bikewarrior350

    play in steering

    id check tie rod ends, the ball joints and the lower steering stem bearings. if any of the tie rod studs are loose in the socket then thats probably the source of the movement