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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. W

    You think someone would say something

    mmmmm shaved asian cooter
  2. W


    Is that bestiality? That is not normal to masterbate sea mammals.
  3. W

    I like big....................

    mm-mm good Enough cheese to eat for days.
  4. W


    hahahahahaha you Guys must realize you could move farther north to nowhere Canada and everything said is true. yehaa.....Proud Pasquia Hilbilly.
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    Your Oppinion

    I'm really thinkin mudlights 22x9x11(12) They are light and quiet, have great traction......but I was pondering that mabey broadslides around corners might be sketchy. Any thoughts.... ::)
  6. W

    need to go strait!

    The scientific answer is that the rotational force is greater on the side with the chain, friction therefore affects the tire on the non drive side greater and thusly tweaks your launch dawg. ;D serious, that little diff. will actually push one side of your bike more...
  7. W

    YFM350Central Stuff

    Stickers What the hell is up with age nonsense? I haven't been around for a couple days and everythings ****** up...
  8. W

    My snowmobile

    Nice. :D I have rode A/C sleds for at least 27 years. Fire cats are the best to come along yet. Ride a f7 sp, they are almost suicide. Very nice...
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    Damn Lucky

    :o oh,man.... audiences are great when things go right though.....
  10. W

    Well...heres whats happening with my warrior

    ;DMaybe they will remember this time. :P
  11. W

    New Tires for the Quad!!

    Just massage the motor and you will smile.Don't have to be crazy.Bolt on-High rise Aluminium Intake(Edlbrock), stock 4 barrel carb. With exahaust you will notice pwr. gain and good sounds. Classic. ;)
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    Mother F'ers

    tips of rings...Catching in exhaust port....rattling in oval hole?
  13. W

    gay ass ****** teacher

    Yeah you silly mo-fo yamrap350. Can U say COLUMBINE. If any body could figure out who you are ,I might be watching you on CNN. :-X **** man people get severe penalties for talking like that in your country. Getting ****** up the ass in juvie would be worse than detention, I would suspect...
  14. W

    87 warrior clunking from motor or tranny

    hahahahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahahahahahhaa Wow do you ever get worried :o ::)
  15. W

    New Tires for the Quad!!

    Hahaha that truck is way older than u yamarap350. Death, that truck could have some potential, esp. if only $50 invest. Old school the ******. jacked up rear , lowered front, bottle exhaust, dual pipes, cammed, stroked ,p&p, holley double, ar,ar,ar.... I'm a chevy man but gotta love that...
  16. W

    Mother F'ers

    Go minimum necesary for rebuild. ;D Did u have oil leaking from head gasket before it shat.
  17. W

    yfz 450 on trails??

    Indeed. 0 turn radius by leaning over the bars. ;D ;)
  18. W

    Racing Stories

    Short and sweet- 1st day of moto cross weekend. 2nd race flew off an off camber jump and landed on 2 wheels( both on same side). I tore ligaments in my ankle cause I put my foot out to stop from rolling.I finished the last couple laps .My ankle was HUGE. Any way , that night was a cabaret-booze...
  19. W

    What Carb For All Stock Warrior

    Guessing,waiting for input.... If you don't want to rebuild the old one,check out some recent threads......Edelbrock/jets With the raptor vs warr. improvments ,stock carb and pipe were redesigned for more flow, and correct me if I'm wrong but it's a larger throttle body(rappy carb). Since the...