gay ass ****** teacher

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
I got this teacher in school and shes a nazi. I hate that bitch and if i was givin the chance i really would knock her ****** teeth in or at least the teeth she has left in the ****** up face. Im gonna take my quad to school and wait till she comes out then just run her ass over. :mad:
Repeat after me,


Out with the anger, WOOOO
In with the good, SAAAAAAA


Or you could just kill the bitch :eek:
haha man i have a really short temper to so sometimes she's lucky i just dont get up and pop her in the mouth
haha :-X
hey raptor350 what did this teacher do to you that she makes so so madd and you wanna kill her LOL j/w
well i had her for 2 years now and she just always singles me out when she knows i dont know the answer and she just is sooo stupid and doesnt know what shes talkin about. Everyone talks in that class and the second i say one word she gives me a detention. Ive gotten at least 10 dententions from her and the semester started like 3 weeks ago. I just plain hate her :mad:
its all good bro..dont worry about it...take it easy ....i dont get stressed out much any more....i live day by day ....enjoy life because you only have it once...every day you live is a day you will never live again...all tho when thought in depth this can be scary (what happens to guys with "mid life crissests") its just something you need to learn to accept and when you do every things cool...breath..have fun dont let stupid stuff get to now days is tough for alot of people ..if its grades and teachers to bullys and cocky jerks.....iv had a couple resent insedents where this kid wouldnt keep his mouth shut ...and it escaladed to at one point he pissed my girl off and she shoved him and he pushed her well lets just say i scared him enough to where he ran off to fetch his sister to come hurt my gf....anyways me and his sister talked awhile and i calmed her down to where she slaped him in the back of the head a couple of times....but anyways just dont worry if you get pissed hold it in long enough to where you can go to the gym or listen to some music or ride (just dont get crazy enough to where you do something stupid) or what ever you do... people will piss you off more in your life you just have to learn how to deal with it..if you can control your addrinalen then you can live your life to the fullest and not worry about some teacher that you will only know for a year or so and never see again ... the people that dont learn how are potental to being the raging murders and phycos of our society...

holy **** man u should be a be helpin people in the ****** physco ward in the hospital or somthin
its all good bro..dont worry about it...take it easy ....i dont get stressed out much any more....i live day by day ....enjoy life because you only have it once...every day you live is a day you will never live again...all tho when thought in depth this can be scary (what happens to guys with "mid life crissests") its just something you need to learn to accept and when you do every things cool...breath..have fun dont let stupid stuff get to now days is tough for alot of people ..if its grades and teachers to bullys and cocky jerks.....iv had a couple resent insedents where this kid wouldnt keep his mouth shut ...and it escaladed to at one point he pissed my girl off and she shoved him and he pushed her well lets just say i scared him enough to where he ran off to fetch his sister to come hurt my gf....anyways me and his sister talked awhile and i calmed her down to where she slaped him in the back of the head a couple of times....but anyways just dont worry if you get pissed hold it in long enough to where you can go to the gym or listen to some music or ride (just dont get crazy enough to where you do something stupid) or what ever you do... people will piss you off more in your life you just have to learn how to deal with it..if you can control your addrinalen then you can live your life to the fullest and not worry about some teacher that you will only know for a year or so and never see again ... the people that dont learn how are potental to being the raging murders and phycos of our society...


Yeah you silly mo-fo yamrap350. Can U say COLUMBINE.
If any body could figure out who you are ,I might be watching you on CNN. :-X
**** man people get severe penalties for talking like that in your country.
Getting ****** up the ass in juvie would be worse than detention, I would suspect.
C a l m d o w n. ;D

" Have a coke and a smile......and shut the **** up"
Eddie Murphy

:) ;) :D ;D :eek: :p :-/ :-* :'( :-[ :( :mad:
15, o and raptor350, go ahead n kill the bitch, better to ask 4 forgivenence than 2 ask 4 permission.haha naw man im kidded. unless u really want 2..... lol