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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. D

    goinf from 10 to 11

    More ground coverage.... better traction.
  2. D

    DeadLast Graphix Web-site

    could you do a kit with diffrent colors? For example since my warrior has a black hood and white fenders. I would want the main color on all the fender graphics to be white with black skulls and the yellow splatters. Then for my hood pieces i would want the main color to be black with with white...
  3. D

    Cheep solution to tireballs

    It's an uneven rotating mass inside all four tires..... i never liked tire balls. Or hedstrom play balls haha.
  4. D

    Cheep solution to tireballs

    Why not just run air instead of filling your tires with more weight.
  5. D

    Look what $600 can get you

    I mean its pretty peppy for a 4 cylinder, i mean its not fast by any means but its not that slow either. The only thing that sucks is that some young kid (im guessing anyway) owned it before me and had a pretty big obsession with neon lights and stereo's. i was Amazed it didnt have a fart can...
  6. D

    Look what $600 can get you

    I just bought a probe tonight for a work car.... its a 97 with the 4 cylinder. I only paid 900 bucks and its pretty clean just high miles. Hopefully it will be a good little beater to get me to work for a couple years.
  7. D

    Best topend gasket kit?

    I've always like cometic gaskets more than anything... however the last set i bought was winderosa mainly because it had valve seals in it for a cheaper price than cometics... if i ever start riding alot again i will change my main and base gasket back to cometic's.
  8. D

    warrior top speed

    not right at all stock top speed is 62, you should run at about 65 with those mods (estimated)
  9. D

    trail tech vapor on warrior??

    Like yamarider said... they are pretty much useless. I used to look at mine to see how fast i was going but it was never accurate. diffrent days it would say diffrent speeds and whatnot. But i did get a shiny billet bar clamp out of the deal !
  10. D

    Shock options?

    Well the girl is only 13 and im going to say not over 100 lbs or so. The 300 ex shocks have shorter travel i think... not positive though. It would have to be looked over but for someone this light they may work, maybe blaster shocks also. Banshee shocks are going to be an improvement none the...
  11. D

    Shock options?

    Well they are going to lower it but i do think they are softer than the stock 350's. The 300ex is lighter to begin with so i think they would work better for a lighter rider. Dont expect them to be like works or elkas or anything but for this problem i think they would work.
  12. D

    Yet Another Problem.

    push start it if the above doesnt work
  13. D

    Scotts Performance Stainless Steel Oil Filter

    you have never changed the oil filter?!?!? haha wow shows how much abuse these things can take. Do yourself a favor and change your oil and filter... its like 2 bucks dude
  14. D

    Any Union Workers Here?

    nah man i dont lay brick/block I finish concrete... floors, bridge decks, curb... all that stuff haha
  15. D

    40mm Edelbrock carb will it work

    Thats exactly what i was thinking. This carbs a little to big for the warrior IMO. The Edelbrock designed for it would make more power. Id take that carb and ebay it, take the money and buy the one made for it. Even if your motor was modded beyond belief i still think you would lose power...
  16. D

    My build....

    Oil cooler mod would also be a good idea at this time, also while the motor is this far apart it wouldnt hurt to check the clutch out/basket and add some stiffer springs and an extra plate.
  17. D

    My build....

    The DID timing chain is actually weaker than a Yamaha original one. Make sure when you change the air filter that you add a clamp on adaptor with it. It would also be a big power increase to cam the motor at the same time. The 12:1 piston will allow you to run a real high lift cam and...
  18. D

    08 Raptor 350 baffle removal help

    I remember with my Yoshimura and the TEC kit installed it actually pulled alot harder up top than open. However i always run it open anyway more power everywhere instead of just power up top. The yoshimura is pretty quiet even open
  19. D

    What awesome bands have you guys seen in concert?

    I've seen a few but the by far best live show is TOOL. 96 bucks a damn ticket though... well worth it. 10,000 days tour 2007 Reading Pa.