What awesome bands have you guys seen in concert?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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York, PA
Just wanted to see what bands everyone else has seen in concert. I've been absolutely addicted to live original music since I turned 21, damn near every weekend i'm seeing at least one local band. I bet i've seen 15 local and non-mainstream bands for every mainstream band i've seen.

I just felt like posting this up because i'm getting really pumped up, I just got tickets to see Clutch along with, Red Fang, The Bakerton Group, and Reverend Payton's Big Damn Band in March. I'm a huge Clutch fan and have been waiting for them to come within a couple states of me, and they're going to be at the Chameleon Club which is only 25 miles from home, freakin sweet!

Other mainstream stuff i've seen live:

Lynyrd Skynyrd and Hank Williams Jr. (Rowdy Frynds Tour)
Drowning Pool (saw them last year at a bar)
Breaking Benjamin
ZZ Top
David Allan Coe (same bar that I saw Drowning Pool)
Collective Soul
Jimmy's Chicken Shack
Gretchen Wilson (I took my girlfriend, ok?)
Lukas Rossi (winner of the rockstar supernova reality show, apparently it didn't work out for him all that well because he already ended up playing in the basement of a restaurant)
Green Day (my first concert, my dad went with me when i was 13 lol)

Also, one of the biggest letdowns in my life was a couple years ago when I had 3 tickets in hand for the family values tour to see Korn, Evanesence, Atreyu, Hellyeah, Trivium, Flyleaf, Neurosonic, and Droid. I was pumped to see them, I mean ****** PUMPED!!! I love all 8 of those bands and to see them all in the same day would have probably melted my brain. I had the tickets in hand for 2 months, only to get an email telling me that I can send the tickets back for a refund because the show in Scranton was cancelled, and by that time both of the shows in Philly were already sold out. I wanted to kick a mothafucka's face in for that one but the sum'bitch that cancelled it was probably on the other side of the country.

I'm really interested to see what kind of stuff everyone else is into.
Metallica (4 times)
Iron Maiden
Breaking Benjamin
3 Doors Down
Suicidal Tendencies

About it I think ;D
I've seen a few but the by far best live show is TOOL. 96 bucks a damn ticket though... well worth it. 10,000 days tour 2007 Reading Pa.
You suck, I wanna see Tool so bad!!! There's a Tool cover band from NYC called Schism that plays around here from time to time, and it's some of the best live stuff i've ever heard, i'm sure hearing Tool for real is 10 times as good too.
Been to to many to list but on a side note.....I hear NIN puts on a amazing live show. The stuff they do no-one does, new technology and ****. And yes Tool was on one the best Ive been tool. I also go to see Red Hott Chili Peppers, its funny to see how there stage show has changed over the years. Kid Rocks Strippers are fun to watch.
deadlastracing said:
I hear NIN puts on a amazing live show.

I guess I never really "got" NIN, everything just sounded too ordinary to me, just about every song i ever heard from them never varied very much from the previous one. That being said, I don't listen to it enough to make much of a judgement about it due to my lack of interest in it. I know some people think they're in the same realm as bands like Tool and Deftones, how everything is complex when you really listen to it, and every time you hear it you notice something new, I just never really saw anything in NIN. Maybe i'm into hard rock too much to appreciate that mellow passive stuff that they do. Most of the bands i've ever liked enough to actually buy an album is hard rock, punk rock, or some kind of metal.
I'm not much of a fan as well but I hear the show is work the price of the ticket, and a bag or cup of your favorite vice (if you catch my drift)

AQlso Clutch is a bad ass show as well, Wasn't much into them untill I went to go see them love and now im hooked. There opening/side band, THE BAKERTON GROUP adds to the kick assness. You've seen my ride video from WV right?

DUDE, I just read Jimmys Chicken Shack.........you saw them.....That's so bad ass, back in 2000 when Bring your own Stereo came out.....I was all about that CD! Coolness.
I didn't see your wv ride vid... i usually don't pay much attention to them because I have dialup. What about it? I can watch them, it just takes forever to load.

I've actually seen Jimmie's Chicken Shack 3 times, they play out this way a lot. Always a good time.
Dial Up?.............wow, didn't think here was anyone left using that. You have Time Warner where you live. Lowest DSL service is $15 a month, its what I use and its great, takes a little longer to download stuff but way way faster that dial up. Just in the video the last song I use is Elephant Riders by clutch.
No DSL here, gotta be within a couple miles of a telephone switching station, and i'm not. Even if I was close enough, the phone lines here are too old and decayed. The last time the phone line came down in a storm i got a look at it, and the whole cable is cracked and rotten, it's amazing that dialup even works at all. When it rains it usually won't work right... No cable out this way either. Satellite is the only option, and it's not an option for me because of the price, it's just not worth it.
I got Dish Network and love it.....70 a month for 200+ channels, I think they even do dish internet now too.
Yeah, we have Dish Network for TV, that's a necessity. I can't justify spending another $60 a month on internet when $10 a month gets the job done. If I need to download a big file or something like that I just take my laptop with me to work and find a wireless access point.
So I saw Clutch last night... ******* awesome! The whole show was intense, especially down in the mosh pit... I stayed my ass out of there. Especially when they played The Mob Goes Wild, looked like the pit would be a good place to go for a broken nose and bruised ribs. I got an awesome spot to watch though, on the balcony directly beside the stage. I was literally 20 feet or less from the bands for the whole show.

I was also very surprised with Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band. I'd say definitely the most entertaining band I have ever seen in my life, live or on video. Also the only band I have ever seen that had a washboard as one of the 3 primary instruments, and a 5 gallon pickle bucket as part of the drum set, but they managed to pull it off very gracefully. I don't know how to even begin to describe what kind of music they play, but i'm pretty sure it's awesome, and they depend a lot on crowd participation in certain parts. You guys definitely gotta check them out if they play anywhere near you, it's well worth an hour long drive to see this for yourself.
I've seen just a handful, but really good shows

Metallica/corrosion of conformity/nugent back in the day
Sevendust/Clutch/Limp Bizkit (before they were big)
Rob Zombie for both of his hellbilly deluxe tours
Roger Waters (basically floyd) on the dark side of the moon tour

If you want to get really ****** up and enjoy some quality music see Roger Waters if he ever tours again, and yes he's old but it didn't make **** for a difference compared to seeing metallica old lmao. That was the best damn show I've ever seen by far. The second best would of been the Rob Zombie concert at the little ass state theater the first time around.
Ah, forgot about this thread.

Got a few more for the list:

Rehab (with almost kings, mastamindz, and soul stash)
Black Stone Cherry (amazing live band, kicked my ass!)
Veer Union (opened for black stone)
Cool man....rehab! that is one of my fav. from HS. Like I said before, Id be here for an hour listing all the band I've seen live, Mainly all in HS, kinda since I haven't been able to afford to go to any good shows.
my list of locals are.
undying darkness
bring forth the corpse
hammer of fate
crimson mustache
a year ago
etc... a few more.
i'm going to octoberfest in a month and there will be 10 locals there :) all heavy metal.

and i might be going to metallica in 3 weeks
The bands i seen the most of were Deftones (they fell off) and HatebreeD, a combined total of about 15 shows. Hatebreed kills it but once i was started get up on the balconies and drinkin , i cant remember any shows i go to i only see bruises the next day. I seem 311 pretty much every summer in Philly since 2003 plus a couple winter shows. Incubus in august was a let down. A whole bunch of emo and fake ass cali ****. NO body even knew songs from thier first and second album. WEAK but the ticket was a gift