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  1. D


    I have the delron bushings from ebay and they have been good for 2 years.. The pivot works kits convert the bushing into needle bearings.... trust me you do not want to go that route. It costs way too much and really isnt going to do anything.
  2. D

    Few pics after 4 weeks of riding

    It doesnt matter what kind of shocks you put on it its going to hit pretty hard on a jump like that.. And its not really a set distance on how far to space your double. Just make it whatever you think you can clear and adjust your speed, and all that jazz so your clear it.
  3. D

    z400 rebuild....

    Its most likely the timing chain...... those things are known for timing chain problems. It slaps off the inner case and make a shitload of noise.
  4. D

    valve adjustement nut

    I use to use loctite on all the air hose fittings on my paintball gun.... the stuff that got pushed out always dried hard on the outside.
  5. D

    wtf Glowing red pipe

    Jetting should be checked.... mine never glows and im running a hell of alot hotter than you guys. But is it glowing at idle or glowing while riding... if its at idle it might not be a problem. But if its at speed then your way lean.
  6. D

    A what-if scenario for performance mods

    I broke one.... my fault though. It's not made as good as the stocker... not to mention its made in taiwan. It really isnt a bad cam...but i still would like to know why they demand you do not use heavier springs with their cams.
  7. D

    namura pistons?

    Buy a wiseco piston..... even though its higher compression you wont need to rejet. I'ts not much of a gain. While your in there you might want to put some new valve seals in too. I also answered your arm question in your other post.
  8. D


    A arm bushings can be found on ebay......Dont waste your money on those kits that make them bearings.. its like 20 bucks for the delron ones to do all the arms and about 50 dollars an arm for the bearings.
  9. D

    I need a White Bros engine Skid plate! help

    Ebay would be your best bet.... or a white bros dealer. I know they had some on ebay dirt cheap for the warrior before.
  10. D

    valve adjustement nut

    first put loctite on the threads of the tappet itself, tighten them little ***** right to the point of breaking something then when tightened, put red loctite on the top of the nut... noticed i said when tightened so the nut cant back up past the loctite on the threads.
  11. D

    Exhaust for built motor

    Yosh and the big gun are the more quieter pipes for the warrior. However i liked big guns older systems alot better than this EVOx thing. I would go with the Yosh, unless you can find an older style big gun full system which most likely wont happen.
  12. D

    shocks or carb?????????

    Yes i completely built my motor and did nothing to my machine but flip the front wheels and bought some offset rear wheels. My stock shocks have suited me fine in fact.... i love the way my machine handles.... of course shocks would be an improvement. But 500+ dollars in shocks for a trail...
  13. D

    shocks or carb?????????

    Honestly it depends on what your doing..... id say carb first. Depending on what your doing like racing or whatever...... what other motor mods do you have...IMO a carb should be one of the last things you do to the motor after many other mods are done. In that case your going to notice a...
  14. D

    chain pop???

    Sounds like axle bearings to me.... your axle is moving inside the carrier when you turn..... or it could be swingarm bearings.
  15. D


    Is it just me or are the ac and tusk almost the same thing... the tusks just having some more webbing.
  16. D


    To be honest with you.... i dont think you can buy a better looking set of nerfs for the warrior but tusks. Not to mention they are as durable as any ive ever seen. I paid 99 bucks for mine back when tusk first made them.
  17. D


    BBDR drag racing.... number 77...... class 375cc and below 4 stroke / semi-pro No pics because its not ready yet haha.
  18. D

    Tusk clutch

    I know me and my dad both bought tusk clutches.. Mine works fine but the one in his yz250 blew into pieces. So who knows.
  19. D

    Tusk clutch

    Mine has been working ok for 2 years now with all my work... however i added the h/d springs from ebc and an extra plate. Its on its way out now..... i'll be going with barnett kevlar next.