valve adjustement nut

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New Member
Sep 15, 2007
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hey just looking for some ideas my lock down nut on my valves for the valve lash has come off twice once destroying my cam and other stuff. i have used red loctite still no luck. any type of better nut out there where do you get it?
first put loctite on the threads of the tappet itself, tighten them little ***** right to the point of breaking something then when tightened, put red loctite on the top of the nut... noticed i said when tightened so the nut cant back up past the loctite on the threads.
the nut and bolt also rocker assembly have to be free of oil otherwise the loctite will not hold. Also for the chemical reaction to take place there must be no oxgen present for the loctite to harden. So it doesn't help to put it on top of the nut as it will never dry. I do recomend cleaning and then putting some on the rocker, adjuster bolt and nut. Red or clear stuff will hold, and it will be a super bitch to adjust it the next time.
I use to use loctite on all the air hose fittings on my paintball gun.... the stuff that got pushed out always dried hard on the outside.
I use to use loctite on all the air hose fittings on my paintball gun.... the stuff that got pushed out always dried hard on the outside.

me too!! That stuff works great for that. Some loctite is different then others, I have the stuff that only drys that is in the joint.
i have this same problem except it did not **** up anything in the head(thank god) it just happened to me yesterday so i have to pull the head to find the nut today. i dont want to use the red loctite maybe the blue.