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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
went out to see my quad today in the tarp garage and it had 2 flats! MY dad was looking and the front left tire already has a plug and we think that's leaking, and the rear one had a ****** peice of CORN STALK IN IT! :mad: so, my dad is telling me for a car it costs 20 bucks per tire to fix.. this sucks.
Get some soapy water and find the holes in the tire. If its in the tread part just buy a plug kit and plug them up, but if one of the holes is in the sidewall i would recomend getting a tube from a local shop and putting that in there. Last time i plugged a tire in the sidewall it lasted about a half an hour of riding.
well heres what it is. we're taking them to a shop to get them FIXED. The front plug came apart and broke off or something my dad said. at the shop they put a patch in from the inside and it's a lot better.
well heres what it is. we're taking them to a shop to get them FIXED. The front plug came apart and broke off or something my dad said. at the shop they put a patch in from the inside and it's a lot better.
Iv had a plug in my razrs for over a year with no leaks
well my dad has made up his mind. I think hes making me pay for it though.. he always says it's his quad cause he payed for it but then when it comes to buying something for it, it becomes mine!