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here's my oh-**** moment again

Gonna be tough to go anywhere like that.

Hell, that thing might tear itself in half. It looks like it's playing tug o' war with itself!!
prolly cause of thoes massive front tires....lol jk man. But thoes tires prolly do weigh a heafty pound.
Damn that sucks...How deep were you in the woods when this happened? How did you get the quad home?
I was about 5 miles of trails away from our trailer. TCTRI has some old pickup trucks sitting around just for hauling broken quads back, so I got lucky there.
Yeah, I myself would be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no help. But thats the way my luck usually goes.
dude that sucks. my cousin hit a tree with his bayou 250 and his tire did that for a few weeks he straitened it and now it wobbles alot it is pretty scary!
that wasn't a bent rim - that was a broken tie rod - which means only one wheel moved when I moved the handlebars, the other one just goes to left the entire time - it wasn't rideable like a bent rim would be - which sucked ass
no his is a bent axle
he rode it with a bent axel??? wtf hes dumb, he should definatly get a new one cause now its gonne be weaker in that spot and its prolly not bent perfictly stright so it will prolly drift one way or wobble pretty bad