350cc or... 400-450...?? racing

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Clifton Park NY
I got a quick question.

I was told by someone if i were to get big into racing to get rid of the 350.. Go to something bigger more racing like.

Now should i do that is question? i was also told that it is cheaper to buy a 400-450 then to put the money into mine to make it racing like?

Does any of you have any suggestions?

Also if you had this problem/experance please tell me what you did and if it was right or not. Thanks
if you were to get into racing you should ditch the 350.. you could buy like a 04 450r or didn't they have problems? like the front end was too heavey? but IMO it's better than dumping money into the 350. and are your parents even letting you do this? the raptor is like brand new. or rly close it's an 06
Cant say I've ever heard of an 04r having a heavy front end...Maybe the newer models are slightly re-designed making the front end a little lighter but I woulndt count the 04 r having a "heavy" front end being an issue. mclarenkid what kind of racing? Are you still going to ride trails?
If you're gonna MX, I'd get a 450. If you're talking XC, personally I'd stick with the 350. It's an awesome woods bike to begin with, and it takes skill to go fast on a smaller quad. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Any idiot can go fast on a 450 as long as they don't kill themselves in the process, not everybody can go fast on the 350. Plus, they do have the Sport Class for 350 and under, so you won't be underpowered.
Yeah i owe 4400 om it so im gunna wait were i can sell it and gmake out evenly.. then im going over half way on a used bike if i do this.
dont waist your money on the 350 if you want to get into mx'ing, a production 450, 400, or non production bike will suite you alot better, i dumped way to much money into my warrior and cant get rid of it now for a justifiable price so i need to dump it off soon to help pay for a new trailer, but making the jump from my warrior to my hybrid was the best thing i have ever done
I would try racing the 350 for a little. You may not even want to race after your first few times.... no use wasting money.
You still never said what kind of racing you want to do. That will make a huge difference in what you need. Little story for you that will make you reconsider keepiing the 350 if you want to XC, and this is no BS either. At a local harescramble I dropped out after one lap because of the huge amount of mud. Basically i couldn't see at all (I wear glasses, could ditch the goggles but glasses still got caked with mud-got contacts now) and decided it wasn't worth getting hurt for a crappy local race. One of the A class racers that has a Z400 snapped a tie rod and was sitting out watching. He asked if he could use my bike to finish the race so he wouldn't get too screwed in the points standings. No joke, I swear on my kids lifes he turned in MUCH better lap times on my bike than he did on his Z400. After the race he couldn't believe how well my 350 ran and asked if it was bored/stroked to a 400....lol. Like I said, the Rappy isn't a rocketship, but it will do just fine for you in the woods for a while. At this point you don't even know if you're going to like or want to keep racing, no need to worry about a new bike right now.
Oh yeah i know...

This is my plan becouse i know you need to hear it...

When eagle bridge opens up ( Both mc and xc tracks.) im going to try both tracks.. i want to do mx but you never know i might now like it same with xc. If i get into xc im keeping it 100% but for mx it is a different story. i will tey it and see how it is at this track if it is good and i have no problems then i will keep it until next year but if i don't then we need to sell it. im hoping we can keep it bc i will have more cash but idk yet
IMO i would stick the 350 because personaly i hate every new bike that i have ridden the only bike that i have liked bigger then a 350 that is some what new is the 400ex but they kept the old engines and new body styles. And im racing this yaer to in xc races and i dont ever think im going to get a bigger bike. I rape all of my friends in the woods and there all riding modded z400's and 400ex's. I really dont think anything can add up to the six speed old style engine that rocks the woods.
I rape all of my friends in the woods and there all riding modded z400's and 400ex's.

Just wait till your first race. You're going to be at a whole different level you've never seen before....lol.
[quote:dnwhxt5y] I rape all of my friends in the woods and there all riding modded z400's and 400ex's.

Just wait till your first race. You're going to be at a whole different level you've never seen before....lol. [/quote:dnwhxt5y]
Yep, theirs a huge difference in riding skill. Woooo its not even funny.

Just wait till your first race. You're going to be at a whole different level you've never seen before....lol.
Yep, theirs a huge difference in riding skill. Woooo its not even funny.[/quote:rk24pesl]

Wait so what r u guys saying that the people im going to be racing are going to be really really good. how hard is the 350 class?. And if your saying that what r u saying about me and friends, we suck? hahaha becuase most of them do.
Yep, theirs a huge difference in riding skill. Woooo its not even funny.

Wait so what r u guys saying that the people im going to be racing are going to be really really good. how hard is the 350 class?. And if your saying that what r u saying about me and friends, we suck? hahaha becuase most of them do. [/quote:q97jqqcu]Im not saying you guys suck, Im saying the thirst of competition in those races is incredable, Someone always wants it more then you, and it takes alot of training to do what they are, you cant just say one day, hey I wanna race, that doesnt happen, You wouldnt last more then 3 laps on an mx track or an hour in the xc races, it takes alot of stamina, mental preperation, and the right 4 wheeler.

Also, how old are you? Down here the 350 class is full of 12 year olds. Dont know if thats how it is everywhere.
im 15 and i have been train for the past 2 years i desided i wanted to race with my 250 then i sold it and i got my warrior ive been training on the 250 becuae the warrior hasnt been running. I would go to 3 differnet nation forestes(3 totaly different riding types) and ride all day long. I would go for 8 hours some times without stoping, well little minute breaks. And im not going into this thinking im going to win im going just trying to race for the fist time, i dont even care if i finish or not i just want to see how it is. Another thing, when my bike is done and has everything is on it it is all for xc races is so ready for the woods like no other. I just have to get the titile for it before i put the **** on it, i have most everything, not all of its listed below, and im getting all the rest of the stuff i want this spring when i get my job back. Everything is just sitting in my room waiting for the title to clear.
Those 8hr rides where every so often you stop and take a drink or whatever are nothing like racing for 2hrs. You're talking 2hrs, +1 lap, at absolute top speed over, thru, and around everything that comes your way. Not saying you suck or anything like that, just that you're in for the shock of a lifetime..lol. It's 10 times worse than your hardest trail ride ever was. Just remember I said that and then after the first race you can tell me I was right ;D
i know its going to be hard i already said im not going in with a mind set of me wining or even finishing i just want to try it. And idk you can ask any of my friends i ride my bike hard as ****, i know its going to a lot harder then what i do now and thats y i im going in with this additude.
Yeah i don't really care i wont get big... im just going to do it for the fun and the drenalin, maybe im good maybe im not.. I just want to be up with the top competitors.. But i just don't want to get hrt becouse of my bike. expecailly for mx.