A Fathers Mistake.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Mohnton, Pa
Well about 3 years ago, I had a 1985 200s Trike. At the time I also had the Recon. Me and my dad were riding around at my house and up and down my driveway(half a mile long). I was on the recon, him the trike. He wasnt wearing a helmet easy. My driveway has a bridge with no sides on it. While riding down our driveway my dad slid out and drove off the side of my bridge. I shut the recon off and yell to him. The trikes still running and he gets up off the ground bloody as hell and climbs up out of the bridge. He comes and sits on the back of the recon. "Are you alright Dad?!" He blacked out. I started shaking him and slapping him, bawling like a baby. I didnt know what to do at all. He finnaly woke up around 30 seconds later and drove the recon slowely up the house. I stayed behind pulling the trike out of the creek. While riding up the front wheeel was wobbleing and the bars were bent badly. When i got up there it was horrible. Blood everywhere. My mom just got home and we drove him off to the hospital.

He broke three ribs, Broke two fingers, Slight concusiion, and i think he messed up his shoulder a little bit. The doctor also said he was intoxicated. Dad said he only drank a few beers. All in all, now its a good story to tell all our friends.
sorry to hear about that happining to your your dad you never know what a few bears can do. Glad he is better now just remeber when u have a few beer and want to ride remeber what happened to your dad i bet you wouldent go out.
Unfortunately the best lessons are often learned the hardway now I know you wont ever do that and it leads to one more safe rider in the world.
DAMMED that's ****** if my dad wrecked i dont know what i would do i never worry about myself because i hardly ever panic when **** goes astra i juz bail my dad allways freezes and just clamps the bars every time we go rideing i try and dodge every hill because i hate to see him go up em plus he hates that **** anyways i normall go up rite behind him so if he stalls ill lock mine down behind him its worked 3 times so far once his rared up and i juz ramed him in the ass end it knocked his down rite off and I started screaming gas it go go go go luckily he got on up the hill the 2 other times he just stalled on the hills and i locked down behind him he rides a kawasaki bayou 300 if yall have ever rode one then you know how they love comeing out of gear when there in a bind :-/ . BUT WAYS MAN I SORRY TO HEAR THAT BOUT YA DAD HOPE HE DOESNT GIVE UP RIDEING THOUGH