air boxx???

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Aug 14, 2006
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west palm beach
i took my air box off..
and put a k&n air fillter on..
do i need like something over the air cleaner too keep it from geting dirty? ill post pics of it tomarow.
I'm running the same setup without a pre-filter. It all depends on your riding conditions. If you ride in a very dusty area or take it through water, a pre-filter or scoop might be a good idea.
i ride dust when its dusty...but i would never run water..for the pree fillter would i buy one for a 2000 warrior or buy one for the air fillter im useing? or ill prob just wait...i want to get a power kit..
If it's a filter that clamped directly to the carb, you can get a pre-filter for it. Call whomever you got it from and tell them you need a pre-filter for it.
its not directly conected..
i took off this like boot thing that comes off the carb to the air fillter from a kawasucky :) bayou and put a insert in and put a uni fillter on...
well heres a pic of it you think i can get a prefillter for it?
wow...that's REALLY close to the exhaust. you might be better off running an airbox with an open lid. sucking hot air is worse than sucking less air.
Well, you can't get a prefilter for a uni filter. From what I understand, foam filter oil will get into the prefilter material, and both restrict the airflow and reduce it's effectiveness. Didn't you say you were using a k&n air filter in your original post?
Well, you can't get a prefilter for a uni filter. From what I understand, foam filter oil will get into the prefilter material, and both restrict the airflow and reduce it's effectiveness. Didn't you say you were using a k&n air filter in your original post?

Yes you can get a pre filter, i have one and it works great, and use plain old motor oil on it. You just need to order one for the right size uni filter, denniskirk has them in all diffrent sizes.
The $80 is with the lid and already assembled.

But the kit using your own lid is still $55 not cheap. But still an option for someone that wants to run the lid but have a way to pull in more air and still keep the box a little more waterproof.