another carb question .

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May 4, 2014
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I'm at the end of my rope with 91 warrior . Purchased 3 weeks ago and couldnt get it to run unless the choke was on . Turn off the choke and it would die , same thing if you gave it any throttle . So I removed the carb to clean it and found the pilot clogged . Cleaned everything thoroughly and reassembled . Fired up the quad with the choke on , let it warm up and took the choke off , was able to idle and rev it up , all seemed fine but the idle seemed high so I tried to dial it in a bit better but went to low and it stalled out . Now I cant get it to start unless I put a little gas in the carb but even then its still hard to get it to fire . Is there any base setting I should set the mixture and idle screws too ? I bottomed out the mixture screw and turned back 2 1/4 turns . I'm frustrated to the point of maybe selling this thing , but id really like to at least ride it once lol
the mixture screw should be 2 turns out on warriors years 90 +
and idle should be set at right around 1500 rpm
Ya it all stock . I've been contemplating purchasing a zoom zoom . I knew it needed carb work when I bought it so I ordered a rebuild kit from motosport but its been almost 3 weeks , and according to my tracking number its still sitting in michigan (I'm in canada ). The thought of having to wait any longer for a carb to ship here makes me wanna pull my hair out haha well ill keep tinkering with it untill the rebuild kit arrives and if that doesnt help ill order the zoom zoom .
How would I go about checking the idle speed ? My quad doesnt have a tach .
For sure gonna burn this thing to the ground ! Carb rebuild kit showed up today so cleaned and rebuilt the carb , now i'm not getting any spark . Pulled spark plug and grounded it out , no spark . Put an oscilloscope
on the orange wire going to coil pack and am getting signal and ground . Anybody have any ideas ? I dont understand how i could have it running one day , rebuild the carb the next day and now no spark . :argh:
Finally got this thing figured out ! Found 2 wires coming from CDI box rubbed through making contact on the frame . Repaired them and finally got to take this thing for my first ride after buying it 2 months ago . Took it for a 5-10 minute ride and when I turned it off I got a big backfire through the exhaust . Is this something I could get rid of by adjusting the A/F mixture screw ?
What size pilot should be in it ? The bike is all stock and I just rebuilt the carb with a kit from motosport . Do they normally have markings on them to indicate the size ? I'll have to pull it out tomorrow I guess .
Well pulled the carb apart again and it has the right size jetting in it . Put it back together and played around with the A/F mixture and got it idling like a champ now . Just going to try and adjust the clutch cable and throttle cable once i find the specs for it online and finally get this thing out on the trail for the first time ! Thanks again guys for all the help :atv: