Another jetting question

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
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My warrior is stock except for a K&N air filter. I thought I would try to go up from the 145 jet to a 150. The reason I did this is because I thought when I got to higher rpm's it wouls stop pulling. Anyways, I installed the jet and after riding for a bit it died and fuel began pouring out of the overflow tube. I finally got it started and it drove home fine and didn't drain fuel anymore. Do I need to go back to my 145 or is this just a symptom of something else. Oh, one more thing. My spark plug is black around the edge and brown on the electrode part.

I guess my guide I posted isn't as good as I thought. LOL
Main jetting is actually pretty simple. Go up in jet sizes until the bike will sputter on the top end at high rpm. It will sound like it's missing. Back down 1 size at a time until the sputter goes away and the bike will rev cleanly to the top. You will also feel a hp change as you get closer to the right mixture.
There are 3 main/basic functions on a carb and there all seperated by throttle postion.
Leaking out of the carb is a sign that the float is stuck down or the float needle has junk on it causing fuel to leak by and over flow the float bowl... this also will cause the bike to run rich.
Okay, thats what I thought. I think my jet is good, and that I got some gunk in the carb when doing the swithc. I will give it a better chance tomorrow.
No I didn't. I was thinking about cutting out the top of the airbox today and seeing how that worked.
i think your biggest issue is a dirty carb, and you are probably rich on your main jet. i also think a 147.5 it the biggest you should go, even if you cut holes in your lid.
Thanks. I did the airbox mod this morning and have yet to try it out. I am hoping it helps justify the 150 main jet. If not no biggie. I will get a 147.5 instead. My carb should be pretty clean. I have cleaned it twice in the past month. Something must have gotten dislodged and stuck the float open. It isn't overflowing anymore so I will have to watch it.
Man! Airbox mod with a 150 main jet is a huge difference! I am pulling wheelies in second now with ease. It really changed the sound also. I t has this nice deep sound to it. I bet an exhaust will also be an awesome upgrade. No more fuel overflow either. Must have been something stuck.