Another Jetting Thread

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Active Member
Mar 12, 2007
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Just thought I would add on to the never ending jetting questions. First off this is regarding a Raptor 350 2007. Whats done to the bike is HMF slip on exhaust & GYTR air filter adapter with UNI fom filter with airbox lid on. I figured it was time to jet the bike to take advantage of its performance upgrades. So I bought a GYTR jet kit since it was recomemnded. It was alot easier to read the jets since it has corresponding numbers to the stock jets. One huge difference that I encountered was that the stock needle was bigger in diameter and a tad shorter also that there is only one slot for the e-clip. Compared to the needle in the GYTR kit. So when intalling the aftermarket jets I started large 165 on the main and went down accordingly due to the engine bogging. The pilot jet was change from its 22.5 to the 25 pilot. I am using he supplied GYTR needle that has 5 grooves with the clip on 3rd position. Mixture screw is 3 out and has been adjusted numerous times thru out jet trials. I am new at this and read plenty of instructions but have not succesfully gotten my Raptor to run efficiently. Main jets I have tried 145, 150, 155, 160 &165. These all bogged and backfired from the pipe and air box @ 1/4 to 1/2 throttle while the pilot jet was 25 & clip on 3rd slot for the needle. Am I missing a step in this jetting adventure? Any help? tips / experience would greatly be appreciated.
sounds like you need to lean up your needle. Move the c-clip up one notch and try that.
Main jet has nothing to do with 1/4-1/2 throttle. Main kicks in at about 3/4 to full. Lean out the clip a notch and perhaps put the stock pilot back in.
Thanks Guys will be putting back stock jets back on & moving e-clip up one notch. I hear ya Keithd pilot is for idle and low speed and main is for above 3/4. I'll keep ya posted! Gotta try this before the sun sets.
Hey Guys its running fine without jetting... Heres what I wrote on another Raptor board regarding jetting:update on my jetting situation. Now im finding this whole time I was bogging down while giving some throttle was not caused by the the main jet being to rich. As you know I have tried all 5 of the main jets & 1 pilot jet included in the kit. While adjusting the mixture screw accordingly aswell as the idle. Needle was tried in all 5 slots on the needle from rich to lean. While monitoring smoke color from being to rich also spark plug for discoloration. But come to a long conclusion that I should put back the stock set up minus the white spacer on the needle. Recommended set up by manufacture is there is no jetting required. Other set-ups tried were removing white spacer from needle and keep the small washers on both ends. But my late day of trial and error this set up did not work for me either. By this time now I've been at it 3 -4 hrs a day before the sun goes down to try and acheive this new task. I almost feel like giving up & handing it over to the proffesionals. So now all I gotta do is reasemble it back to stock including putting back the white spacer under the e-clip along with the two washers on each end. Started up fine smooth idle of 1590-1610 with mixture 3 out. After it warmed up shifted to first and ran fine thru all the gears downshifted without backfiring. It has power in all gears without any bogging. I have never worked on a carbuerator in my life let alone spent this much time with one. But I have to admit it was fun and frustrating at the same time. If this is the only setting on this bike that will work i'm taking it. To all the other 350 Raptor owners that found this the set up you fit in. Im curious to hear what your elevation is you ride at. I'm at approximately 300 above sea level.