Anyone heard of Curtis Sparks Racing?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Just wondering because I just bought a "curtis sparks national kit" New, never used on ebay for $225.00 It includes an arias 12:1 piston, 430 or 450 web cam (not positive which), P + P head with new springs and retainers, and a big bore mikuni round slide carb. I thought it sounded ok for the price especially not used, but I can't seem to find info on this stuff. Is it junk?
The only thing I knew Sparks made was exhausts. For what you described it sounds like you got a very good deal though. Do you have a link to the page?
no, i was looking for info on this stuff, as I said i bought it from ebay. I was buying the carb and the guy mentioned he had this whole kit so I took it. Minus rings. I can't find anything on arias pistons. and the curtis sparks website doesn't have any warrior stuff on it that i can find. I am hoping i didn't get ripped!!!!!
last time i checked, sparks didnt have anything for is the link to the website

for what they do make things for, they are very good, 2 of my friends have the exhaust on their z400's...sounds so bad ass, i think the only thing that could compare would be tc