Arm Joints that are good for trails?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
Warren Michigan
Im about to either purchase lonestar control arms or flight ones. Im wondering if the ff ones with heim joints are better for trails or reg gen 1 style in lonestars
so your wondering about the joint. Ball or heim. Both work just fine. Heim's are stronger but are noisy and require reg easy maintenance to make them last. Balls are enclose so they tend to last a good long while. You have to use the 1st gen balls on the lonestar arms and I have no idea what those cost or how accessible they are.
I know I can get a set of both without problems. Only reason i ask is because ive gone through 3 lower arms due to balljoints failing and the last time I got pretty hurt from it. I will not put myself in the same boat so I want to upgrade to something safer.
Ya that's what I figured. I grease and clean my quad after every ride so squeeking wouldnt be my concern
I'm just concerned with beast. Seems to me like he's parting out his quad........
Go heims. As long as you keep em oiled they will last a very long time. You can also screw around with camber adjustments, too. The heims are decently priced, but, require only 1 wrench to change out. The 1st gen ball joints can be removed and installed on factory a arms with a pipe wrench (that's what I use) but on the lonestar arms, there is a half moon shield that covers the inboard side of the balljoint. You need the special socket to get em in/out. Besides who knows how long they will be around.
Any oil. Although someone told me that Lucas assembly lube works good. Haven't tried it yet.