big bear oil cooler hose gard?? Weekend fun.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
New Richmond, WI
Whats going on guys?
I went up to the cabin this weekend. 4 wheeler ran great and had all sorts of fun. This thing is way faster then before. . I had Ryan ride the grizzly 660 so we could race on the dirt again as he would always put a couple bike lenghts on me.. on the pavement I'd have no problem putting 3 or 4 on him. The way that pig puts down power is so smooth. Anyway, we raced and man I can't believe how many I put on him. I was suprised because I guess it doesn't feel that much more... I think that's because of the cam and how the power is percieved.
I ran over a big log on the left side and ripped the hoses off of the oil cooler and knew it right away. Oil was going everywhere. Luckly I left the lines long enough so I could cut them and then put them back on. I'll have to make a gard or somethign for them.. Anybody have pic's of what they did?
Hey Ja you got to get some nerfs for that bitch. Moose with heel gaurds, I would love em but don't want to spend any more money.
I posted up pics of what I did in the oil cooler tutorial. I'm not sure if it would have prevented what happened to yours though if it tore it apart that bad. I think i'd just cut an extra aluminum plate and bolt it to the chassis skid (assuming you have one)
Do the clutch cover technique, it mounts the hoses up higher, plus routes cooled oil directly to the crank.
No I don't have a chassis skidplate. I'll check out that pic.. Yeah it ripped them both right off or I should say sheared them off. ****** oil was spraying every where..