brake doesn't work at all now

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
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Clifton Park NY
well i got it all fixed i think and now the brake doen;t work at all.. i think the pump works bc when i losended the bolt on the caliper stuff came out when i hit the brake.. im prolly just going to buy a whole new caliper assy... it will save me alot of fustration.. unless you guys tell me something im missing.
There's two slides per caliper. You probably took the large one out. Take a wire brush of some sort and clean the inside of the caliper where it goes really good. Same with the slide. Pack it with grease and then put it back together. If you had the lines off for some reason (really no reason to though) make sure you bleed the lines well. If the slides are ok you'll be able to move them with your hands when they're not on the bike, they should move very easily. I just went thru all this and still bought new calipers. They just didn't want to work like they're supposed to after all of that, so I bought new.
yeah i know now it is the pump.. we are going to get brake fluid tomarrow and try that if that is not it then we take the next step.. yeah the capilers are fine now we got that fixed. thanks for your help though