Well-Known Member
When i buy a cam i want to get the best possible cam. I am a mx person but like the trails too. Only cams i know are hotcam and powroll. What do you guys think and whats best?
yes i have a hot cam also....not really fo bottom end, but it screems top end if you let one gear wind out.But a hotcam is a higher lift than a .390 webcam, and the duration is longer i believe. Maybe not the best but its not really a waste of money when you get you keep your stock cam, and spend the same as a cam with a core charge. It was deffintly an improvement on my warrior, but it left me wanting more power fast. Its a good woods cam because it gives you a little more power everywhere.
You can get a .390 grind or a .430 grind for webcams... Why get a hotcam and then spend more money down the road for a higher lift better cam?
My buddy has a wiseco piston and a hot cam with a alba pipe kit and on the dragstrip if I jump him on the line he can't catch me and the same if he jumps me. His is a 2003 and mine is a stock 1998. So I would say that the hotcam is a waste of money in my book. When I rebuild I will use the 12 to 1 JE piston with a webcam. My mods now are clamp on K&N rejetted carb and a cobra pipe for the moment. Sprocket are 15 front and 41 back with 20" asphalt tires.