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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
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NE Georgia
What is up with all the towel heads getting so torn up about a cartoon!? Iraq is pulling it's Danish reconstructive contracts. Ain't we paying for that? The US should just leave now and let em pay for their junk themselves. Drop a few more bombs on our way out! I think those people are just looking for a reason to fight and complain. They act like two year olds. When do you ever hear of any good coming from them? They don't even follow what they claim to believe. The cartoon was right on the money!
**** those ragheads and any other ******* ******* that has any ******* thing to say. They get all ******* jacked up over a ******* cartoon yet they blow them themfuckinselves up for many virgins in the ****** clouds, stupid ******* stinking ****** rag motherfuckin ragfuckinheads.
It's not what the cartoon shows, it's what the ideal behind the religion is.

Mohammed can NOT be shown in print. That simple. The cartoonist knew it, the editors knew it, and the paper publisher knew it.

That they decided to print it showed MASSIVE contempt for the Islamic religion(Of which there are about .0001% Fanatical) How would the Christans here feel about a cartoon of the pope with a small child bent over in front of him? How about the Jews? Would they like a cartoon of them sitting in a Deathcamp?
Didn't think so.

The BELIEF that their leader, and god cannot be shown in a drawing, rendering, photo, or cartoon should be honored. For however stupid it is, it's STILL a belief.

now as for getting pissy, I can understand. I sure don't like people ribbing MY religon. Or showing pure and utter contempt for my beliefs.

Know your enemy, and then confront him.
I think that the US should give all of the countries ever nuclear weapon that they want, but from about 20,000 feet!!
There belief that a cartoon can't be shown of mohammed but strapping explosives to themselves is allowed. Who ever wrote that **** up should be on ebaums world! Give all them tnt packin mo fos the Darwin award, dumb SOB's.
It also showed their god (idk wtf his, or "its" name is) he said that they were running out of virgins because it is beleived that whenever a suicide bomber, well, bombs, that they get 72 virgins on the other side, but the god said that they were running out hahahaha :D
It's not what the cartoon shows, it's what the ideal behind the religion is.

Mohammed can NOT be shown in print. That simple. The cartoonist knew it, the editors knew it, and the paper publisher knew it.

That they decided to print it showed MASSIVE contempt for the Islamic religion(Of which there are about .0001% Fanatical) How would the Christans here feel about a cartoon of the pope with a small child bent over in front of him? How about the Jews? Would they like a cartoon of them sitting in a Deathcamp?
Didn't think so.

The BELIEF that their leader, and god cannot be shown in a drawing, rendering, photo, or cartoon should be honored. For however stupid it is, it's STILL a belief.

now as for getting pissy, I can understand. I sure don't like people ribbing MY religon. Or showing pure and utter contempt for my beliefs.

Know your enemy, and then confront him.

The big problem with that is that it is their religion not ours. How do you know that the cartoonist knew about it? Who cares if he did, get over it. If it is a sin, it is the drawer that sinned, not the followers of the religion. They also claim to be of a peaceful religion. Obviously they only follow the parts of their religion that they choose to. To answer your other question, I don't care what anyone draws in a cartoon. If I don't find it funny, I won't laugh and that will be the end of it as far as I'm concerned. I wish every major magazine and newspaper in the world would put the cartoon on their cover to show what all of the violence is over.

For those who haven't seen or heard about it, it is a cartoon of mu<s>tt</s>hamed with a turbine shaped like a bomb with a burning fuse attached. That is something to kill somebody over ain't it?
[quote:zz7kal2s]It's not what the cartoon shows, it's what the ideal behind the religion is.

Mohammed can NOT be shown in print. That simple. The cartoonist knew it, the editors knew it, and the paper publisher knew it.

That they decided to print it showed MASSIVE contempt for the Islamic religion(Of which there are about .0001% Fanatical) How would the Christans here feel about a cartoon of the pope with a small child bent over in front of him? How about the Jews? Would they like a cartoon of them sitting in a Deathcamp?
Didn't think so.

The BELIEF that their leader, and god cannot be shown in a drawing, rendering, photo, or cartoon should be honored. For however stupid it is, it's STILL a belief.

now as for getting pissy, I can understand. I sure don't like people ribbing MY religon. Or showing pure and utter contempt for my beliefs.

Know your enemy, and then confront him.

The big problem with that is that it is their religion not ours. How do you know that the cartoonist knew about it? Who cares if he did, get over it. If it is a sin, it is the drawer that sinned, not the followers of the religion. They also claim to be of a peaceful religion. Obviously they only follow the parts of their religion that they choose to. To answer your other question, I don't care what anyone draws in a cartoon. If I don't find it funny, I won't laugh and that will be the end of it as far as I'm concerned. I wish every major magazine and newspaper in the world would put the cartoon on their cover to show what all of the violence is over.

For those who haven't seen or heard about it, it is a cartoon of mu<s>tt</s>hamed with a turbine shaped like a bomb with a burning fuse attached. That is something to kill somebody over ain't it?[/quote:zz7kal2s]

The big problem with your response is that attitude. The USA was BUILT, and FOUNDED to remove it's citizens from those types of oppression. Religous or otherwise. Right in the Constitution, it states that an american has the RIGHT to Religous Freedom. now, that cartoon was published in a Danish paper, so the rights we enjoy in the usa are not covered under that.

As for following the parts of their religon they want....There are Fanatics in EVERY religon. Look at Cathoilcs bombing Abortion doctors. The IRA bombing the Prodistants. The Muslims attacking the Jews. The Jews attacking the Catholics.......Religous beliefs are some of the STRONGEST ideals people can hold. Name ONE other thing someone is willing to blow themselves up over?

Being an american means that one should be understanding of other peoples, religons,beliefs and faiths. Even if they are wrong in your eyes.

The Crusades have been going on for about 2000 years's not just gonna stop because we are over there fighting.

If more people would just LEAVE EACHOTHER ALONE, 99% fo this **** would not happen.

Now, before anyone here says I'm not patroitic, I FULLY support what is going on in Iraq, and the only thinng I'm NOT happy aout is being lied to to get there.
Had GWB2 just said"Iraq is a bad place, and needs to be cleaned up" I'm sure the USA would not be in such an uproar right now.
Attitude also founded this nation. From what you are saying, the Danish should be oppressed in their beliefs to spare the feelings of the muslims. Sounds a <s>little</s> very biased to me! Religious freedom does not mean taking away someone else's freedom to oppose your religion. The muslims should have the freedom to be offended but not the freedom to censor others.

I believe all people should be free NOT JUST AMERICANS. That includes the press. Our country faces many trials because of freedom of the press, but we deal with it because it is necessary to help maintain freedom. We are not talking about a few people bombing abortion clinics but THOUSANDS of muslims attacking people that they know nothing of except where their targets are from.

As for what people will blow themselves up for... watch the news sometime, they will do it for anything from relationships gone bad to drugs. These muslims are trying to harm other people over a cartoon! I wouldn't mind nearly so much if they were just blowing themselves up.

Religion is great and should be a right to all people everywhere. But when a gov't seeks to punish people because they aren't of the same religion, that is wrong. Why support a gov't like that at all? I've supported the war on terror from day one, but if the US is funding rebuilding (which it is), we shouldn't punish the Danish for allowing it's citizens their freedom. People are quick to say that the war in Iraq is for freedom, but the gov't in place there now seeks to punish another people because of their freedoms.

You can say that it is just a few fanatics until your blue in the face, but the fact remains that those few turn into thousands quite often and always with the same result: murder. They look for any excuse to curse America and Israel. Even if it is a simple cartoon. That is not religion, but rather a way to try to justify their terroristic acts on everyone who is not muslim. You take up for em like they were being oppressed, but they are the ones trying to oppress others.
BTW, when have you ever seen thousands of Americans gather just to protest islam? I've never heard of it even once. How often do they congregate just to curse us? Can't count that high can ya?

You also mentioned our freedoms as Americans and called George Bush a liar. Try this: A US Senator while questioning Oliver North during the Iran-Contra hearings asked him if he had just installed a $60,000 security system on his home and if that wasn't extravant. North told him no, that his family had been threatened and he didn't find it at all extravagant. The Senator asked him who could have scared him that badly and North told him it was Osama bin laden. The senator tried to pronounce the name and couldn't but asked who he was. North replied that he was the most evil man in the world. The senator mocked him asking what North felt should be done about this 'Bin laden' and North told him that if it were up to him, a team of assassins would be assembled to kill bin laden and his men. The senator scoffed at the idea. Now name that senator and how many times you heard it reported in the American press.

Also, Israel had agreed to release all "political" prisoners as part of a treaty (Oslo agreements with Palestinians), but refused to release the ones with blood on their hands. Clinton insisted that they release even those. One of whom had blown up a school bus in 1986 and was captured, tried, and imprisoned for the act. That man's name was mohammad atta: who later flew a plane into the first tower of the World Trade Center. Who is oppressing who?

If more people would just LEAVE EACHOTHER ALONE...

Pot: "Hello, Kettle."
Kettle: "Hello, Pot."
Pot: "You're black!"

lol ;D
Uh-Oh, I messed up. Upon further searching by me and the Professor (lol), it seems that North didn't name bin laden and it may have been a different atta that was piloting the plane.

Some reports claim that the atta that blew up the bus was of a different nationality and older but as far as I can tell nothing is confirmed as far as that goes.

The story of North naming bin laden was denied by North and he cleared up the name of the terrorist he was referring to. The story I had read several times claimed that Gore was the one questioning him but that is also false. Sorry ya'll, I didn't mean to throw out false stuff. I just fell for

That said, it don't change my opinions of those people that hide behind religion as a license to kill.
What can I say? I like to fuss! So does Storydude (evidently), wish he'd hurry up and get back on so he can say his nonsense ;) and then I can take my turn! ;D