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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2007
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anybody know who has the cheapest parts for the warrior motor, i'm basically doing a 366 with JE piston, web .390 cam, and a KW valve spring kit, and cometic gaskets, is going to the manufacturer the cheapest ways or a parts house?
and also, can i reuse the original valves, they do not look too bad? would i just have to get the shortened guides?
Try looking at They had the cheapest parts when I rebuilt my top end last year.
anybody know who has the cheapest parts for the warrior motor, i'm basically doing a 366 with JE piston, web .390 cam, and a KW valve spring kit, and cometic gaskets, is going to the manufacturer the cheapest ways or a parts house?

Dude, I've had both the Web .390 and the Web .430 cams, if your going to get one go with the .430, it comes on alot stronger in the top and you won't notice any loss in the bottom end especially if your going with a high-comp piston. The .430 is my choice and I do lots of tight twisty trails as well as sand pits and such, just keep the RPM's up a bit more and you'll always have that big power snap there when you need it, makes going over large obstacles (logs, ditches, streams, etc) a breeze.
Just my $0.02
ok thanks, i thought i would lose too much bottom end, i'll go with that one thanks for the info and do you know, can i reuse the original valves, they do not look too bad? would i just have to get the shortened guides?
You don't even have to get shortened guides... I'd get new KW guides and some seals to put in there. Take the valves to the machine shop when you have them port the head and they'll be able to tell you if there good or not.
Vito's has pretty good prices. I'd just look around and you'll find places that have good prices on ****.
,390 is a great cam and if you want all round power its the best to get. It's has got way more torque then any race cam. But gives up just a little on the top end and mid range.
well i dont want any top end taken away, i could deal with a little bottom end gone, as it already has enough but i want to wheelie easier and be better at drag racing, no matter how good your shifts are, if your quad dont have the balls, you cant win lol, another thing is, the local shops around here have no support for a warrior, their best upgrade is to buy a 450 lol I say go to hell, ill buy parts somewhere else lol
well i dont want any top end taken away, i could deal with a little bottom end gone, as it already has enough but i want to wheelie easier and be better at drag racing, no matter how good your shifts are, if your quad dont have the balls, you cant win lol, another thing is, the local shops around here have no support for a warrior, their best upgrade is to buy a 450 lol I say go to hell, ill buy parts somewhere else lol

It's an all around cam so it adds HP every where.
You have a warrior 350, the only balls the fourwheeler is going to have is when you get a stroker kit. Mine has a little more go but it still your not going to go out and beat any 450.. Maybe keep up to a z400.
If you can live with less torque on the bottom then get the race cam and then you'll have "balls".
Agreed. 390 is a little mild imo.

The warrior even in stock form could give up a little bottom end in order to gain more up top.
The web .390 is the biggest cam you can go with before going to a "race" camshaft. I will say that yes my fourwheeler has more top end as I have the .450 cam now but no where near the bottom end or mid range it had before and was much easier to drive fast with the .390. It wasn't so peaky and 2 stroke like. I think the stock form the warrior is weak both bottom and top end.