Your main does sound smallish, but I would clean the carb super good, please use compressed air along with gum cutter. Reinstall and see what happens. If the pipe is glowing at idle then your idle circuit (pilot jet and mixture screw) is too lean. The main jet is for wide open throttle. Be sure to set your mixture screw to spec and take it from there. The easiest way to choose the correct main is to put a large jet in, like 155, and in neutral, get it up to full throttle. You don't have to hold it there long. Just long enough to see if it surges or not. If it does then back the main down one at a time until the surging goes away, and it revs out smoothly. If it doesn't surge, then you need to go bigger until it does, then drop it down one size. If it is super rich at wot, it will puff black smoke when it surges. Also, check all intake related components for cracks/splits. Unmetered air will casue a lean condition.