clutch problem

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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ok im new to the site and i have a problem. my warrior will go into reverse fine but then ill shift it to forward and into 1st and it wont move unless i give it full throttle for a minute and even then it still doesnt move right i tried starting in all the gears and the same thing i could let the clutch out and the bike would inch around but if i gave it gas it wouldnt do anything. any suggestions would be great thank you
I think you can go into reverse fine because it's such a low gear. I can put mine in reverse and practically drop the clutch at idle and the motor won't die. Maybe check your oil. Or your clutch assembly could be messed up.
i believe it is slipping the engine doesnt die and ill check the oil tomorrow thanks for your replys
well i got it moving fine now i just took the clutch apart and scruffed up the steel plates every thing else seemed to be fine put it backl together and works great thank you for your suggestions